Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekend Recap

Friday afternoon was pretty much miserable. I was in a foul mood and wasn't feeling very social. I was torn between renting a movie and staying in, or meeting some friends at Bread Soda in Glover Park. I feared staying in would turn in me sitting on the couch drinking too many beers. I opted to go out and drink too many beers.

One of the guys I was meeting out was Andy, who was on a second date with some girl, we'll call her South because she had this really strong southern accent. South lived near the bar, so meeting up with us was a strategic move to get closer to her place. Apparently, it panned out nicely for him.

We played pool and made small talk. During our conversation I learned that South works in the building across from my office. I also learned that she does the exact some thing (it's somewhat specialized) as Gym Girl. I said "I realize the odds are pretty long, but do you know Gym Girl (obviously, I used her real name)?" She said "Of course, Gym Girl is great, I have lunch with her every week! How do you know her?" That's a tricky question, I wasn't sure how to answer, so I said "I'm stalking her in the gym." South had a good sense of humor and laughed really hard. I said, "Actually, I don't know her all that well. We met in the gym. She went to the same college as one of my sisters and some of my friends." South went on "GG is GORGEOUS, isn't she?" I liked where this was heading. "Yeah, she's super-hot, and seems very cool. I, on the other hand, am a total retard around her." In her accent, South said "Awwwww, I doubt that. Who knows, maybe you're 'Hot Gym Guy'. GG has been dating some guy, but I don't like him. Would you like to get set up with her?" I almost tackled her, but composed myself, "Sure". South said "I'll see what I can do." I left it at that.

An hour later I was at the bar waiting for a drink when a chick put her arm around me and said "'81, good year!" I said "what?". She continued "The 81 on your shirt, 81 is a good year, it's when I was born". I had on an old motorcycle racing shirt that had the number '81' on the back. We talked for a while, but she was pretty drunk, and I was still riding high on the possibility of going out with GG. I thought it best that South didn't see me drag some mediocre drunk chick home from the bar. It was tough because she was a layup, she was all over me while we talked. I eventually got in a cab and went home alone at about 2:30am.

Saturday night Bear came over and we watched football. After the games were over she reached down and grabbed my crotch and said "It's been nine months, I'm looking forward to this." I just clicked off the TV and we went down to my room. We had sex for about an hour and a half, then passed out exhausted. At 4am something woke me up, though I'm not sure what. It could have been the hard-on I had. I reached over and grabbed Bear, pulling her over to my side of the bed, and pressed myself against her back and butt. She said "You're sex addiction isn't my problem, go back to sleep!" There was no chance of that. We went at it again, but it was a quickie.

In the morning Bear and I went to Eastern Market to get coffee and we ran into a good friend of Kay's. "Great, this is going to work out well" I thought. I made the awkward introductions, which were compounded by the fact that Bear was wearing three-inch heels and attire that was clearly suited for Saturday night, not Sunday morning. Shortly thereafter, Bear and I each went to our respective homes.

About 15 minutes after I got home Kay sent me a text asking to meet up to talk. There really wasn't anything to talk about, but I agreed. The first thing she said when we met was "I heard you saw ... at the coffee shop this morning", I just said "Yup". Kay didn't press me about it, but she made a face that she always does when she's uncomfortable. Our "talk" was not very productive. She tried in vain to explain what happened, but in truth she didn't know herself what had happened. She didn't meet someone else, she liked hanging out, she had made her weekend plans months ago, she just decided she didn't want to date me. I figured that was fair enough, and appreciated the candor.

That's about it.

Post Mortem:

Right after I hit "post" for this entry, I talked to my good friend Chuck. I value his input, but I think the advice from his wife is particularly interesting because a) it is a female perspective and b) because she knows Kay. Chuck thought that I was quick to shut the door on Kay. He may be right. His wife also thought that I was acting abruptly, and that I should have taken a more casual approach. Again, she may be right, but these are also the people that said I should tell Kay how I feel after I found her profile.

I am going to stick to my gut reaction and do nothing for a while.

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