Monday, September 7, 2009

Dating Ten Other Girls

Last night I got into bed at around 10:30, at 10:32 I heard a woman screaming bloody-murder in the street outside of my house. I jumped out of bed and ran for the front door, but I was naked and had to turn back to put on some shorts (and grab a gun). By the time I got to the sidewalk the street was empty except for two other concerned neighbors. The cops came 15 minutes later, it turns out a couple was mugged as they got out of their car. It's hard to get to sleep after that kind of excitement, so I was up late and am exhausted today.

Friday Night:
I took a half day on Friday to get an early start on the long weekend. I texted Kay to see what day she was getting back from Nashville and she said "today". A woman commented on my post that I may not be "relationship material" because of my "asshole attitude", so I decided to be a nice guy and drive up to BWI and pick Kay up. I think she was pleasantly surprised. I'm trying, what can I say?

Kay was exhausted from her trip, so we decided to stay in and cook dinner Friday. I won't get into the details, but over dessert Kay and I discussed what we were doing together, and I explained how I saw her on and wasn't too excited about it. Her response was "Well, I figured you were dating ten other girls." I have not instigated a discussion about having an "exclusive relationship" in a long time, and it didn't seem to be off to a good start. However, after 30 minutes of talking Kay made me swear that I wouldn't "break her heart", and said she would gladly take down the profile.

Saturday Night:
Kay and I went to the Nats game then grabbed a bite to eat on Barracks Row, where we ran into not one, but two of my former female acquaintances.

While we were walking down the sidewalk I noticed a girl was looking rather intently at me as she approached. When she was about 20 feet away I realized it was Bear. I said "Hello Bear", but kept walking. She later admonished me for not stopping to make small talk. I'm not sure what she was thinking, but there was no way I was stopping, or even slowing down, so that the three of us could make small talk about how we all know each other.

We chose a restaurant on 8th Street for dinner and waited for a while out front for our table to be ready. While we were standing there I noticed a table of four girls kept looking at over at Kay and I. I didn't recognize the three girls that I could see (one had her back to me), and thought that maybe Kay knew them. However, after a few minutes it was obvious they were talking about us, and I was starting to get nervous that I had hooked up with one of them. Luckily, our table was ready a few minutes later and I wasn't called out. After dinner, I was able to see the fourth girl's face and realized it was one of the girls from that I took out (the one that suggested we bring our dogs with us on the first date). We breezed out the door after dinner, I didn't give her a chance to say hello, or mention that I hadn't returned her three voicemails.

We tried to get into Phase I, a bar on 8th. I had a buddy try to go in one night and he was told by a rather brawny woman that he "wasn't welcome" inside, so I just wanted to verify. In case you didn't know, it's a lesbian bar and I apparently wasn't welcome inside.

My crazy neighbor was having a party Saturday and sent me a text to come over for a drink. Kay knows the whole story about the neighbor, and shared my lack of enthusiasm for going over for a drink. Instead, we had fairly loud sex in the hot tub, which more than a couple people at the party heard. Oh well.


Sunday morning I cooked a hearty breakfast then we packed up our one tiny travel bag for our trip to Annapolis. The bag was only big enough for us to each bring: a tooth brush, a pair of flip flops, a pair of shorts, and two shirts. Kay also brought some underwear (I don't wear any) and a small pouch of "stuff", that I assume was make-up and such. Kay joked that our trips together seemed to be a series of tests of her packing abilities.

Earlier in the week I had tuned up my Ducati for the trip, and had been riding it all week to make sure it didn't develop any issues. I put the bag on the tank of the bike and fired it up. It started on the first try, and then died. "You motherfucker!" I hit the start button again and nothing happened, there was just a slight clicking noise. I looked over at Kay, who shrugged and then laid down in the hammock. I took off the gas tank and fiddled with the engine and battery, but it was clearly not going to start, and if it did I didn't trust it enough to take on a trip. Kay said "Can we take the other one?". It had crossed my mind to take the Honda, but she never really seemed comfortable on it, and it wasn't exactly a touring bike (a Honda RC51 is a race bike, and uncomfortable to the extreme). I've only put about 400 miles on the bike, so I'm not 100% comfortable on it yet, especially with a passenger. However, I said we could take it, but I gave Kay a ten minute lesson on how to properly hold onto me when we ride. The bike is very tall, and has a harsh suspension, so I was scared she would get bucked off the bike on the highway, but she did fine.

Overall, the trip from DC to Annapolis was nice. We took Suitland Parkway to Rt. 4 to Rt. 2. The drive is only an hour or so. The weather was perfect and part of the route had some really nice scenery, we rode through lots of farmland and a couple of small towns. The only section that sucked was the first part of the Suitland Parkway, which is totally ghetto.

Annapolis was a good time. We essentially ate and drank our way through town. After a great dinner we sat on the docks at Pusser's, shared a cigar, and had cocktails until a little after midnight. The people watching is fantastic, really a world-class mix.

Maybe I am the only one who has this problem, but going away with girls, especially ones that you are still getting to know, is difficult because you really can't stick to your normal bathroom schedule. Sure, I know guys that fart in front of women, and have no shame about smelling up the bathroom while they are in the next room. I never fart in front of women, and really try to avoid smashing up the bathroom if they are sharing it. I realize it's a normal bodily function and there's nothing to be ashamed of, but I still avoid it. I generally end up devising complex ways of using alternate bathrooms for NASCAR-pit-stop-style craps. I'm sure it's not healthy.


  1. Guess I'm still puzzling the toilet issue too.
    I want to spare my woman the stink, the sounds, etc, as it seems obvious that it would be a turn off. Hell, I don't want to impose that stuff on 'just' a buddy of mine.

    Also I'd rather not listen to anyone else's toilet noises, if I don't have to. To those who preach passively having no preferences, scolding me that the stink and sounds are "natural", I say 'So is vomiting sometimes, so is road kill, but I'd rather not be a spectator to it.' Gee, how 'unnatural' of me for having discriminating preferences.

    Living in a small place where it's likely to be hearing through the bathroom door, I have suggested to women to run the ventilation fan, 'just for white noise, for your privacy'.
    Some have lectured me about thinking that way.
    Women who can't respect even the fact that I have my own preferences don't get another date.

  2. Laughing at West. I had one woman that didn't care and would pee with the door open. I would always scold her about it and ask for her to close it.

    I lived with one woman for four years and if I knew I had to go badly and she was there, i would pick the furthest bathroom in the house to go to.

    I still do it to this day when I have overnight company.

    Glad to see that you and Kay had that talk and it put your fears away.

    Good choice in keeping it moving when seeing Bear. She would have definitely fucked up your situation by saying something to put Kay in a defensive mode.

  3. Great post! For not being in DC very long, you sure have made a name for yourself! Cereal! I give Kay props on the packing thing..shes a keeper. Really. and, she will ride on a crotch rocket..i assume thats what the HOnda is?! Anyhow, You may need to relocate if you stay with Kay...there will probably be a hit on you at somepoint! As for the bathroom thing. We women think the SAME EXACT THING! My girls and I were discussing my friend's new guy and staying at his place Sunday nite after a nite of drunken festivites...her BIGGEST FEAR was having to drop a duece (pardon the term) in her guy's bathroom! Beer makes her "gurggly"..Trust me when I say...we gurls have the EXACT SAME fears! its even WORSE! we are suppose to be butterflies! haha! My current lover finds it cool to pee with the door open. No biggie! I draw the line at READING TIME though. After having been sort of get over that stuff though..FYI! btw...Just what I thought! Kay figured you were dating millions of women..she didnt want to date other men...10-1 she wanted you to "stumble" across it... :)


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