Friday, September 18, 2009


I leave this afternoon for my football weekend. About thirty of my college friends are going out to the game, it's always a lot of fun. I'm not sure how they manage it, but all these guys are making the trip solo. No wives, no fiances. I wonder what sort of bargains are struck up to make this short two-day trip happen?

This morning I woke up early and packed a bag. I try to leave anything of value at home. I took off my good watch and put on my ratty "construction" watch. I packed old sneakers, crappy jeans, a baseball hat, and three t-shirts. I also put in a vintage powder-blue tuxedo shirt, the kind with the big ruffles down the front and the wide, pointy, collar. That's always a crowd pleaser. I also threw in my big Elvis sunglasses. It's really not a costume, per se, just a couple of conversation pieces.

I was off my regular routine because I had to pack and take care of a few other things around the house. So, I was out a little later than usual walking the dog. I went out the gate of my back yard and walked down the alley to the street. I was still half asleep as I rounded the corner near the sidewalk. I had on a hoodie pulled low over my head, and didn't notice a girl with a huge dog (I think it was a pit) until I was just a few feet away. My dog is sometimes dog-aggressive, so I yanked the leash and made her sit down. The girl's dog laid down submissively, but my hound just can't be trusted. I said "Sorry, my dog's a nut", meaning, 'move, we're not going to let our dogs meet'. The girl smiled and said "Yeah, I know it". It occurred to me that she thought I was talking about her dog. I said "No, MY dog is a nut. She's not always friendly. Sorry.". She laughed and said "Oh, I thought you meant mine. It's too bad they couldn't meet, she's cute. Just give me a second, she doesn't want to get up.". Her dog who was now totally prone and looking a little scary.

The girl was cute and looked right in my eyes when she talked. I was half asleep, but she was chipper and smiling. She had chin-length blond hair that was cut on an angle to one side, almost like a skater haircut. She was wearing jeans rolled up to mid-calf length, and a tight western-style plaid shirt. If I had to guess I would say she was in her early or mid-twenties. Fairly young. She was also on the short side, but petite. She couldn't have been more than 5'2" and 100 pounds.

A few seconds after we finished talking she got her dog to stand and they continued down the sidewalk. I waited for a bit then took a right out of the alley in her direction, the route I take every morning. As she walked she swung her hips (and cute ass) from side to side in an exagerated motion. When she got to the corner she stopped, looked back, smiled and waived, then crossed the street. I took a right at that corner and headed off in another direction. I walked a few paces down the block before my dog stopped to piss on the 34th tree of the morning. As I waited I saw her turn around and look back again. She smiled one more time then was blocked by some hedges.

She was a lay-up. But I'm being good these days.

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