Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I own guns. Why? Not because I really need them. More because I can own them. It's my second amendment right, and damn it, I am going to exercise it.

All things being relative, I am a responsible adult. I have no arrests, no history of violence, and in the eyes of both state and federal authorities, no psychological problems. I underwent substantial background checks, and received 16 hours of firearm training. I am therefore permitted to carry a concealed weapon in several states.

I am not a political person, and this is not a political blog, so I won't delve too deep into the topic. I will say that I am not a gun zealot. I am not a hunter. I am not a member of the NRA (but I don't oppose them either). Simply stated, I own guns because I sleep better having them in my home, and I like to go to the range now and again and blow off some steam. This is such a hot topic, I don't see what all the fuss is about. If you don't like guns, don't buy them. If you want one, don't beat your wife, don't commit violent crimes, be a good citizen, and you can go buy one at any Walmart. Pretty simple stuff people.

With that out of the way, I invited Kay to come to the range with me tonight so I can teach her to shoot. Kay has never fired any type of gun before, but she said she would be willing to give it a try. I enjoy teaching girls to shoot and think it's a great date. I found a range in MD that is clean and is generally not very busy, so I can go in there and explain how to safely shoot without a lot of nuts blasting off hand-cannons all around us. I took Bear there once and she couldn't get enough of it. She even framed her best target.

1 comment:

  1. YOU ROCK!! I know how to shoot..both hand guns and shotguns...Dad was in law enforcement, step dad a hunter and ex-husband was a hunter and all around redneck! I dont own any guns currently but I am budgeting to buy a gloc and a 12 G shotgun. As a woman, I like the security that a shotgun provides living alone...any MF'er that wants to break in, get past my dog and is unlucky enough to hear the cocking of a shotgun well...lets just say...I have great aim! I think Kay sounds like a great catch!!! I am proud of you for sticking with her! Who knows? With the way things are going, we might LOSE our rights to purchase weapons!


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