Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Shut up for five seconds, please!

Last week Bear asked me to help her with her Halloween costume. What was supposed to take a couple of hours one afternoon has turned into a three part, multi-day, arts and crafts extravaganza. Last night was Part II, and sensing my frustration after Part I Bear cleverly showed up with a bottle of vodka as a peace offering. Arts and Crafts 201 ended at around 9:30, and I really didn't want her to stay over, so I decided to fore go sex and we plopped down on my couch to watch a few minutes of TV.

Bear doesn't have a TV, in her mind that is far too conventional, so every commercial and show is mind blowing to her. It's as if all TV programming is from beyond our galaxy. She talks the whole fucking time about how awful everything she's watching is. Finally I had to say "Jesus, Bear, stop fucking talking for five seconds, it's a fucking Travelers commercial. At the end there will be a big red umbrella over someone's head and they will play uplifting music." I realize it was rude, I wasn't trying to be an asshole, but it was a knee-jerk reaction to thirty minutes of constant social commentary. This is my penance for breaking my "no date" rule. Last night was clearly too much of a date.

Poonani texted me yesterday asking if it would be OK for her to bring five of her girl friends to my place on Friday night (Halloween party). Sure no problem, except that the party is shamelessly overloaded with females. By rough estimate, there are going to be 20-25 single girls and two single guys. There will also be an assortment of married and dating couples, but the single ratio makes me a little nervous. My head may explode. No word yet if Kay is coming. I really hope she doesn't.

The girl I lost my virginity to friended me on Facebook. She is married and now has a daughter. That took a bit to settle in.


  1. I understand you on the Facebook/virginity thing. My first gf, whom I lost my virginity to and she to me, is married and also has a daughter. She didn't facebook me though...she actually emailed me about it and then sent the pictures. Quite the dagger!!

  2. NN, are you saying there was a time when you were a virgin?? It's kinda hard to imagine your past as an inexperienced, ignorant-and-fumbling teenaged guy, ha ha. With your gift for writing, that might make good material for your blog during a 'slow' period...

    As for the imbalance of single women at your party, I volunteer to help fix that, ha ha...

  3. Are LB and ID one and the same?

  4. alter egos...but why you so concerned with me Anonymous!? lol


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