Monday, October 5, 2009

In the event of a water landing...

On Friday afternoon I flew home from West Virginia aboard the smallest commercial plane I have ever been on. I can't be sure, but I thought I heard the pilot yell "contact" just before the prop engines were started. The only pleasantry of the day (the whole week, for that matter) was that the flight attendant was gorgeous. I'll call her United.

United: United looked pretty young, I would say she was in her early twenties. It's hard to tell because the flight attendant outfits make you look older. United was about 5'6", had long black hair, and a really pretty face. She had a Brazilian look to her, and a little beauty mark on her cheek that was very sexy. She seemed to have a nice body, but again, the outfit tends to hide any and all curves.

I was sitting in the last seat in the plane, so when we landed in Dulles I was the last passenger off . When I got to the door United said "Thanks! Have a nice day." I said "Where are you based out of?" She was caught off guard and stumbled a little before she said "Oh, uh, here, Dulles. DC." I nodded "Great, I live here too, I'm NN (and shook her hand), would you like to get a drink sometime?". Now she was really thrown off, and she blushed badly, but said "Yes, I'd like that". I pulled out my phone and asked her for her number, but the pilots were coming out of the cockpit and she clearly didn't want them to see her giving out her number. Maybe it's against policy, but she kind of rushed me out of the pilots' view and onto the steps leading from the plane. United said in a hushed tone "I have to get ready for my next flight, I'll meet you down there (she pointed at the walkway into the terminal) and give you my number." I agreed. I stood in the walkway for a minute before someone from TSA came out and asked me what I was doing. I tried to explain but the TSA woman wasn't having it and made we go to the terminal. From the terminal I saw United come out of the plane a few minutes later, look around for me, then go back into the plane. This wasn't working out so well. I ended up writing a note to her on the back of a business card and asked one of the attendants at the gate to deliver it to her. I have no idea if the guy delivered it, I'll have to wait and see if she calls. If I don't her from her this week I suspect I won't at all.

I stayed in Friday night.

Lavita and I went to hear a band play at Bukem on 18th Street Saturday night. Lavita is a really strange chick. We had a couple of drinks, and we danced for a bit, then out of the blue she says "I'm not going to go home with you tonight". To be honest, I had thought about it, but it wasn't a huge concern and I certainly was not making any aggressive moves. I hardly touched her when we danced. I said "OK, but I don't recall asking you to?". I said it with a laugh, and my intention was to make an uncomfortable situation lighter, but I think she took it as some sort of rejection. At around 12:30 she abruptly announced she was leaving. Lavita got in a cab, and I got a slice of pizza before going home. Strange chick, strange night.

A few hours after I got home the Washington Examiner hit my house and again scared the shit out of me. I screamed "You fucker!" out the window. My neighbors certainly think I'm bat-shit crazy.

My friend Andy and that chick South were going to try and meet up with us Saturday, but they got bogged down in Georgetown. I asked Andy if GG was out with them, and he responded "No, but she got engaged last night". That wasn't good news, GG is officially off the market. Later he sent me a message that said "But South has another girl she wants to set you up with. You game?". I said sure. If South uses GG as a base-line, I would probably be happy with anyone she sets me up with.

The whole day yesterday was a puppet-show. I needed a new book and wanted to go to the used bookstore in Eastern Market to try and get South, by Ernest Shackleton. I hopped on the bike and parked right in front of the store so as to minimize the potential of running into Kay or her friend who works there. As I parked I thought I spotted both through the crowd, but I didn't linger to find out for sure. I threw the bike on the stand and went into the store. I bought the book then took off as quickly as I came. I suppose I should say hello if I do bump into Kay, but I'm really not up for it right now.

At noon I went to Crystal City Sports Bar with some friends to watch the games. I rode the bike there, so I only had a few beers then left early. That bar seems like a good place to meet women, it's not the typical bar scene because people are there to watch sports, not necessarily to hook up.

Last night I met up with Bear and ended up spending the night at her place. When we got into bed she excitedly asked "Can we have anal?" as she bounced on the bed. She's one of the few chicks I know who really enjoys anal. After a few rounds of sex and a shower she said "I'm going to San Diego this weekend". I knew that the guy she was dating lives there. I said "And?". She continued "Well, he bought the ticket for me a month ago, so I decided I should still go so it's not a waste of money".

Here's the thing, I don't care if she goes. I don't care if she fucks the dude, I am totally devoid of feelings on the topic. I appreciate her telling me, she could have danced around the topic and wouldn't have even had to lie, but she told me. But so what, I still don't have any thoughts on the matter. I suppose my lack of interest means that I have no feelings for Bear. I partially think she was baiting me to see if I would get upset.


  1. I PERSONALLY think you fell harder for Kay than you either are admitting or are even AWARE of... you seem so 'blaz-ay' about any of the girls in your world. Sort of 'take it or leave it' kinda thing...Could it be you are experiencing heartache? Rejection is good for the soul. It reminds us that it isnt always in our that is.
    My thought? I think you secretly kinda want to find a nice girl to settle down with for a bit. All this sleepin around and paroozin seems to be wearing you down... :)

  2. You might really enjoy the short stories of Thom Jones in books such as The Pugilist at Rest and Cold Snap. You might relate to his sensibility, attitude, observations, etc.
    (Two words: public libray)

  3. (or even better, public library -- oops)

  4. True Life...: I was honest about my feelings for Kay. I don't think am lacking in either awareness or admission. As for settling down, I believe the point of the blog is that it's hard to find someone suitable to settle down with here. The only person I have been even remotely interested in in three years wanted to play games.

    LA - I checked out that book, I generally don't read fiction. Thanks, though.

  5. NN: point taken...about the settling down thing...quite frankly, I think its just plain HARD to find someone to settle down with period. It seems everyone wants to play some sort of game. I cant seem to find anyone genuine either. Its very disheartening really. Im starting to think that either im too picky or just SUCK at choosing a partner! I am by no means judging... as, I too, struggle with your world but in reverse :)


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