Monday, October 19, 2009


I showed my bike Friday night. I thought I had it sold but the deal fell through on account of the guy being a clown. Back on the market it goes.

Later that night Bear came by for an evening of adult fun, but it really wasn't much fun. Bear's appeal is that she's buck wild in bed, but when she's not being wild she's...well...bland. I guess that kind of crazy behavior isn't sustainable over the long term because it requires an unhealthy degree of one-upmanship. Plus, I think she's looking for something more than a fuck buddy.

Saturday was interesting. I try not to plan any functions in polite society after watching college football because I know that I will not be terribly functional due to hours of afternoon drinking. I went to Chuck's house to watch some games, and his neighbor, AJ (Poonani's brother) joined us for a while. At the end of the game he invited us all over to his house to celebrate Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights. I tried every excuse in the book to get out of it, but he was insistent. Poonani joined us for dinner, as well as AJ's wife and his in-laws. Let's just say that we were a bit rambunctious during dinner. I believe I made a few "Festivus" references, including suggesting we have an "airing of the grievances" followed by an after dinner wrestling match. The in-laws were thoroughly confused and offended.

After dinner I decided it was time for me to go home, I was finally sobering up and didn't want to get entangled in any post-dinner festivus drinking. I thanked everyone and said I was leaving. Poonani said she was heading downtown and asked me if I would give her a ride. Of course I agreed and we left. As soon as we walked out the door AJ's wife asked "Are we OK with them leaving together?".

I drove Poonani downtown and she asked me to join her and her friends for a drink. This was a pivotal moment, if I went out for drinks I was going home with Poonani. I decided to do the right thing and go to my own house. There was an awkward good bye moment where I was clearly supposed to make a move on her, but decided not to at. The main problem is that AJ would blow a gasket if I slept with his sister. I am going to try being "friends" with her.

Throughout all this nonsense I sent Persia a text message that simply said "Hey, it's NN from Thursday, what r u up to tonight?"

Side note: Chuck asked me about Persia and I told him what little I knew, and described what she looked like. His face went a little white when I told him her name. I asked what the problem was and he said that Martin (Kay's ex) had just started hooking up with a girl that exactly fit Persia's description. Same name, same nationality, everything. That would truly be some shitty luck.

I never heard back from Persia, which is strange. She asked me to text her (which I normally wouldn't have done, I would have called), why would she go through all this trouble then not reply?

I shaved my beard this morning, I feel like I am walking around naked.

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