Friday, October 16, 2009

Happiest Hour of the Day

Happy hour truly is the happiest hour of the day. Binge drinking is not only allowed, it's encouraged. Is it really responsible to give people a time limit within which they can drink economically, isn't that entrapment? I think you could use it as a defense in a DUI case. "Your honor, my client was forced to drink seven beers in forty-five minutes then drive home, it was happy hour."

Last night I met my buddy Ben out for a few cocktails. I met Ben through C-Roc, they wrestled in college together, and I have known him for about eight years. We meet up about once a month for drinks. Ben's a federal agent now, and he's tons of fun, just hysterical to hang out with. He brought his whole office with him last night, there must have been 20 people, and they knew the entire bar staff. I probably had five vodkas, and we shared a shitload of appetizers, and when it was time for me to leave Ben was like "Just throw in $40", most of tab was comped, they just leave a huge tip. That's a deal in my book.

Our bartender was this hot little Persian chick with one of the best bodies I've seen in a while. As I was putting on my coat Persia said "That's it, you're leaving?", I said "Yeah, I have this other thing I have to go to", "Oh that's too bad." That sounded promising, so I said "Why don't you give me your number, we'll hang out some other time." She was walking away from me when I said it, so I didn't think she heard me. She walked to the other end of the bar, handed someone a drink, and as she was walking back towards me I repeated it. She smiled and handed me a napkin which had her name and number on it and said "I heard you the first time". I chuckled because just yesterday I wrote how cell phones had made physically getting some one's number obsolete, and there I was holding a napkin with digits scribbled on it. Guess not.

Persia: Persia was likely in her early to mid-twenties, hard to tell. She was short, maybe 5'2", with long black hair, and those huge dark eyes that middle eastern women have that are really hot. Persia had a tiny little body, with a tiny little ass (I think she would fit into the Jay ass-caliper) but big boobs. Her shirt was unbuttoned enough to show them off, and they were spectacular. Overall I would rate her a solid 6, but no higher because I didn't think her face was all that and a box of donuts. She could be a good booty call.

I was supposed to go to a book signing in Georgetown after happy hour, but I decided I shouldn't be driving after all that vodka, so I just went home and soaked in the hot tub. The book was something like a female guide to dating in DC, and promised to be loaded with attractive professional women (read: cougars). Another buddy went, I'm sure he will rub in my face what a turkey-shoot it was.

I called Bear last night to see if she wanted to get together tonight (Friday), and she tried to big-time me. She said how busy work was, and how she wanted to go for a run when she got home...I was like "That's all fine, call me tomorrow if you want to hang out." She said "See you at nine." What's with all the drama? Come over or don't. It's not like you have to make excuses with me. She's a wacky girl, wow, prime example of a Crazy Girl DC.

I have had my bike for sale for over two months now, and had received two calls in total in that time. Yesterday I received two calls within an hour, and one dude is coming tonight to see the bike. Strange, I can't figure that out.


  1. Those Fed Agents...they are all wack! I wonder, would I fit into the crazy girl category? I have decided: quite possibly!
    p.s. I resent!

  2. Please excuse me if I sound condescending,
    but sometimes it's hard to resist feeling sorry for people whose idea of being really happy, feeling relaxed, having a great time, etc, is damn near inseparable from drinking alcohol and/or taking drugs ...

    [The following applies to countless people in the US, so when I say "you", I mean all of those individuals to whom this applies.]

    Allowing your culture to set your agenda for you (such as: prioritizing the attaining & sustaining of material affluence, and thus 'high' social status), defining yourself & your existence in terms of external factors which you cannot fully control, you live under more pressure than neccessary, and then you sometimes get relief from this pressure by partaking in unhealthy, mechanical, unimaginative methods provided to you by the same culture that keeps you under excessive strain all the time ...

    The situation is rather like mice in a maze; mice who are defining happiness in terms of finding and eating cheese which is provided by those who put the mice into the maze in the first place ...

    I continue to struggle with this superficial, social 'herd mentality' bullshit myself ...

    It's liberating to become indifferent to most of the empty options being hyped hyped hyped as a 'must have'. One is relentlessly bombarded (mass media) with messages promoting beliefs & desires which are not in one's own best interest.

    Indifference is freedom.

  3. Indifference may be freedom, but poverty sucks. You could also make an argument that Indifference is an excuse for laziness. I like working hard.

    Just playing devil's advocate.

  4. Good points NN.

    If you enjoy your work, that makes a huge difference in life. Seems most people are rather unhappy in their work, which poisons their life around the clock, all year long, etc. I feel that people who love their work are among the luckiest around.

    I should have prefaced my Oct. 17 comments by stating "I intend the following with respect and compassion for those to whom it applies."


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