Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Find me a "6". Just one, I dare you.

About four months ago I was walking back to the office after lunch with Jay, a coworker of mine, when he said "Find me a "6". Just one, I dare you." Jay was referring to a woman that was at least a 6 on a scale of 1-10, ten being "perfect". Jay gave me from the spot we were at to my office to find a 6. The distance was about 8 blocks, in downtown DC, on a beautiful day, at the height of lunch-hour.

"What's the bet?" I said. "I don't even want to bet, it's not fair to take your money!", Jay said.

So, how did this come up? Jay was saying how much he hated DC after moving here from South Beach Miami a year prior. He hated the DC "scene", in general, but also the people.

I should give some background on Jay. He is one of the most narcissistic people I have ever met. It would be a grave mistake to use him as a moral barometer, except in that he is (to the best of my knowledge) exceedingly honest. I am sure his narcissism stems from the fact that he is extraordinarily handsome. I mean, he is a taller, stronger, smarter, funnier version of Brad Pitt. He is known as "Malibu Ken" (he's hot, but dumb, according to female coworkers) in the office, though I think few knew him at all. However, for all his faults, he's a fun dude to hang out with, and we occasionally got lunch together.

That day at lunch Jay announced that he was looking for a new job, perhaps in NYC, because he hated DC. What it boiled down to was that he was bored here, but he rattled off a list of other things he hated. "We live in a swamp - the weather blows. Socially, there is nothing to do here. People are so one-dimensional, they only want to talk politics, these people need a hobby. The women are all pigs..." With that I felt the need to step in. "C'mon, there are tons of cute chicks here..." He interrupted me "That's exactly the problem, there are TONS of them! They're all fat!" Jay was easily excited, and he was now nearly yelling. "This is what I want." and Jay held up his hands with his thumbs out and touching tip to tip, and his pinkie fingers were standing up like goal posts. I said "What's that, bull horns?" Jay said "No, I want a girl who's ass fits in between here.", noting the distance between pinkie fingers. He continued "AND...when she's standing still her thighs should not touch on the inside of her legs, not even at her crotch, there has to be a gap all the way up!" Mind you, he's yelling this while we're sitting in a deli eating, people all around us. I said "OK, OK, calm down."

I held up my hands and made the Jay ass-caliper, my hands being considerably smaller than his, I said "Jay, a nine year old Ethiopian boy couldn't fit in here, no girl's ass is going to fit." I played devil's advocate for a bit, and asked if it was only about her body, but he obviously wanted some substance as well as a freakishly skinny chick. We debated the merits of smoking hot and dumb versus a more robust, yet smart woman, and agreed that you need real substance in the long term. Initial attraction is often based on looks, but if there is no substance you have to move on.

Walking back from lunch I was not able to find one girl who we could even make an argument was close to a 6. There were plenty of frumpy women, or women well out of our age category in either direction.

Jay made his point, but apparently our experiences in DC have been very different. It depends on your perspective. If you compare DC to South Beach you are going to be disappointed in almost all regards. Having worked in NYC, and in the garment district to boot (more models per square foot than anywhere else in the world), I must say that I don't think DC can hold a candle to New York, either. However, for all it's faults I think DC is a great city, and that there are plenty of beautiful women here. I also think that the odds are stacked in mens' favor, because it's one of the few places on Earth where women seem to out number the men (though I have heard that in Brazil there are 3 women for ever 2 men, which is a statistical outlier for the population ratio). Next time you go to a bar in DC look around and compare the number of women to men, I bet you find there are more women. Add to this the tremendous gay male population, and the odds become even better for (strait) guys.

1 comment:

  1. Please slap your friend Jay for me. thanks! There is nothing like dating a girl with a eating disorder... this is WHY dating the pretty boys always leads to disappointment! No woman but an anorexic drug addicted model would be happy with a guy like that. I married a guy like that, unknowingly. NOtice: im divorced! Thank GOD! Hes ORANGE NOW.


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