Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Oink Oink, my good man.

Poonani has the Swine Flu. Fantastic. This coincides perfectly with me feeling like shit today and missing two days of work earlier this week.

Madonna sent me a few more texts about her watch yesterday, which I found on the ground next to the hot tub. That actually makes sense, I can now see why she took it off, it probably wasn't waterproof so she likely laid it on the side of the tub before getting in. After I found the watch I opened the cover of the tub to do my weekly chemical maintenance and found her underwear hovering near the bottom of the tub. I fished them out with a broom handle, a first for me. They really weren't sexy at all, that's so disappointing. Honestly, how can a chick go out on a Saturday night in granny panties, I just don't get it? I threw them into the washing machine. They will eventually end up in the growing pile of ladies unmentionables collecting in the bottom of my t-shirt drawer, right next to the condoms, handcuffs, blindfold, and tube of K-Y. My mom is coming down for Thanksgiving, if she stumbles upon this collection she will probably have a heart attack.

So here's the thing with Madonna, I really don't have much desire to hang out with her again. She was fun and attractive, but there wasn't any spark and I don't see any reason to spend a whole night of my life pretending to be into her. I would feel the same way had I not slept with her, only I would be slightly more motivated to ask her out because I would be curious to see if she was good in bed. I'm sitting here trying to see if there is a lesson to take away from this, because I've certainly been on the other side of the equation.

The question I'm asking myself is - Under what circumstances would I be inclined to go out with Madonna again?. It's not that I'm opposed to going out with her, there wasn't anything horribly wrong with her, I'm just not extremely motivated to spend more time with her. I suppose if Madonna called me and said that there was a great show she wanted to see, or an event at a bar, or some fantastic party, I would probably go. She would at least be showing some enthusiasm. Instead, what I am getting from her is: 'Hey, have you seen my watch?'.

I guess the lesson here is have a plan. For instance, I sent that chick Persia a text one night that said "What r u up to tonight?" and never heard back from her. Instead, maybe I should have said "Want to see Gnarles Barkley 2 night?" or even offered to take her out on the bike, something a little more creative and exciting. I'm just thinking out loud.

Bear called me last night and was all excited. Her friend has a house in Whistler and she invited me to go there the week of Christmas. I was caught totally off guard and didn't have a prepared response (rejection) to throw back at her. I stammered a bit at first but pieced together a reasonable excuse involving family commitments and needing to be home for the holidays. In truth, I could have gone, but there is just no way I am going to Whistler with Bear for Christmas and New Years, it completely out of the question. I realize this contradicts my last paragraph, but it's not the same scenario because I've known Bera for a while. My prior paragraph was meant more for right after meeting a girl. Plus, in regards to Bear, if I want to strangle Bear just watching thirty minutes of TV together, how could I spend a week snowed into a cabin with her?

Martin's sister's birthday is Saturday, we're all going out for drinks together to celebrate. Poonani's brother will be there, so I'll ask her if she wants to come, but I suspect she won't want to because she's still not feeling well. I like the bar they picked, always high potential for antics.

I have some travel coming up next week, so I anticipate some good stories.

1 comment:

  1. Granny panties should be OUTLAWED. Cereal.

    Sexy is as sexy wears.

    obviously NOT a Madonna at heart~


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