Friday, July 31, 2009


My tenant in the unit below mine moved out today, and my new tenant is moving in tomorrow afternoon, so I had to do the final walk-through with her today.

This situation was a little unusual because this girl was subletting the apartment from her friend, who was actually my tenant and the person on the lease. She has been living here for a month and I have never met her until today. Her name is Halley, and she really wasn't anything special. I was curious because I have heard her a few times, but had never put a face to the voice.

I came home from work and did my usual spin through the apartment checking appliances and looking for damage. Halley is chatty and felt the need to talk the entire time I checked the place. Finally she said "Wow, that's a really cool motorcycle outside", I looked out the window and there was a Japanese cruiser sitting on the street in front of my place. I said "Yeah, it's nice.", which was a lie, I didn't like it at all, but I didn't want to provoke her into more senseless small talk. "How long have you had it?", she said. I was a little confused, "Actually, it's not mine". I've never seen her in my driveway or back yard, so I wasn't sure why she would think that bike was mine. As usual, my face betrayed me and clearly showed a combination of confusion and disgust. "I heard you and your girlfriend come home on a bike a couple of weeks ago, and just assumed that was it".

Ahhhh, it's all coming together now. My "girlfriend" that she's referring to is Kay, and the night in question is the lobster dinner night. At one point early in the night I thought I heard her downstairs, but this confirmed it. The sex with Kay was fairly "energetic" (though not too crazy) and she must have heard the whole event. I wonder if she heard "Wait, something's not right!" comment?

I simply nodded and then walked into the kitchen and returned to my walk-through. It was a little uncomfortable for a second.

I talked to Kay last night, she asked me if I was avoiding her. I felt a little badly, after talking to her I didn't get the impression she was anything other than really busy at work. I'm going to try to meet up with her at some point this weekend.

Lastly, Bear sent me a text last night saying she regretted not letting me take her home on my new bike the other night. I told her that was a one-time offer and that there were no rain-checks. Of course I will give her a ride next time she asks.

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