Thursday, July 9, 2009


I was supposed to go out with Firecracker tonight, but I switched our plans to tomorrow night so that I didn't have to worry about getting to bed early for work.

I'm resurrecting to a tried-and-true date formula that I have not used in a few years. I learned the formula accidentally from a friend and former neighbor, Andy, who I have mentioned before. One night I was heading out of my old apartment complex on my bike with a first date on the back. As we were pulling out Andy rolled in on his bike and we chatted for a second. He said he was on his way to pick up a date and asked if we wanted to ride together. I was hesitant because I wanted to get some alone time with my date (who was smoking hot, way out of my league), but in the end decided to tag along. The night turned into a double-date and my girl spent the night. Since that night I have used the "formula" many times, it goes something like this:

We start with an early-evening motorcycle ride that lasts about an hour. The ride should be long enough to build an appetite, but not so long that you're exhausted at the end. Towards the end of the ride you ask the girl if she's hungry (she usually is), and if she would like to come over for a drink and maybe grill a bite to eat? Here's the genius of the date. At home you have some defrosted chicken in the fridge, a head of Romaine lettuce, some bread, and some vegetables. It seems like you are just rooting around for leftovers, but together they make up a pretty tasty BBQ. You just throw the chicken and veggies on the grill, make a quick salad, open a bottle of wine and you're in business. You look like a hero with almost zero effort. After dinner you have a few drinks on a deck or in the back yard and no one is in any shape for driving anyone anywhere.

I would say, conservatively, that I have done this exact date 50 times and that 35 resulted in long nights of sweaty sex. I almost hate to divulge it.

I am going to stock the fridge for Firecracker tomorrow. I have a hot tub at my house. The original date formula works so well I almost hate to play with it by asking Firecracker to bring a bathing suit. I feel that it's like chemistry, even minor changes in the formula can have catastrophic repercussions. However, I'm really not into this girl all that much so I don't mind using her for tests.

I don't have plans for Saturday yet, maybe I'll ask out another Internet chick.


  1. i love ur blog!!!!!as a single woman...I have my own every time :)
    you write well! I stumbled across your blog while searching something else:)

    hmmmm....dontcha just LOV dating!

  2. The same formula every woman uses:



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