Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A shrinks best customer

Last night I was emptying the dish washer in my kitchen. The lights were off and it became unbearably hot in the room when I opened the dishwasher and the steam poured out into my face. I emptied the bottom rack then started on the top rack. I stacked a few glasses on the countertop, but when I got to one of the big wine glasses I held it to my mouth and took a huge bite out of it. I decided not to chew the glass, instead I spit it out into the sink and threw the glass in the garbage pail. I was surprised to find that my mouth didn't bleed at all. I decided to give a small water glass a taste, but found the glass was too thick and was not able to remove a satisfying chunk. The glass just cracked, shooting tiny splinters everywhere. I spit those out and threw out that glass as well. Still no blood. I was happy when I came to another wine glass and took two hearty bites from it. I chewed both bites for a long time, but in the end decided to spit them out, I didn't think shards of glass would help my growing indegestion. After I spit out the second mouthful I sensed the taste of blood, and wiped my mouth with my forearm. Of course there was a huge amount of blood on my arm, and I could feel it trickling down my chin, too. I looked in the sink and was surprised by how much blood was in there. I spit a huge wad of blood into the sink and heard something in the room. I looked to my left and a man said "What the hell did you expect?". I squinted and realized it was Bob Barker, the host of The Price Is Right.

I woke up to my cell phone beeping, telling me the battery needed to be charged. I plugged in the phone and looked at the clock, it was 4am. Fuck, I was up every two hours last night, work is stressing me out. That was the wierdest dream I can ever remember.

I laid in bed and thought about the dream, then realized what it was about.

One night at a hotel frat party this guy I know took a huge bite out of a glass and chewed away. This guy, Gary, was a great dude, though clearly nuts. Earlier in the evening he stood naked in the center of the hotel room, took a shit in his hand and smeared it all over his chest. Several people, including Gary, vomited from the smell. Despite an undisputable crazy streak, Gary was also a very successful college wrestler, and an all-around great friend. After two bites of glass he was taken to the ER for many painful stitches. Two years later, after an all-nighter at a bar, Gary lay passed out in the front seat of a Toyota pick-up truck while his good friend and wrestling teammate drove it off the road and into a tree, killing Gary instantly. The driver lived and spent three years in jail for manslaughter.

A shrink would be able to base his whole career on this material and retire a wealthy man. Wow, I'm freaked out.

I got an email from Kay a little while ago. She said that she was pretty busy this week, but may be able to get together tomorrow or this weekend. I'm not getting a great vibe from her, though I know she's really busy at work. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that situation, but it is probably not helping my REM sleep.

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