Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Whose calls you take.

"You can tell a person's priorities by the calls they take."

I am paraphrasing here, but I think you get the gist. I believe this is a quote from a movie, though I am not certain. Regardless of where it's from, I have always thought it was a very accurate statement. For instance, unless I am in a great mood I usually let calls from my mom go right to voicemail. My boss's calls get answered on the second ring. Hostile girlfriends, voicemail. New girls on the scene I usually answer unless I'm trying to "play it cool". I always answer my tenants' calls, but numbers I don't recognize never get answered.

Obviously the impetus behind this topic is that I am not getting the feeling I am high on Kay's priority list. I leave a message and I get a call or text back a day later. I am generally the one initiating contact, too. This is all new turf for me and is really throwing me off.

In everything I do in life I throw myself in 100%, "quitting" is not part of my lexicon. I am fiercely competitive, often to a fault. But with women I have always had the stance that I don't like to compete with other guys for a girl. This is the one area where I generally am not interested in fighting (either literally or figuratively). I feel that if you reduce yourself to really fighting for the affection of a woman there will never be equality in the relationship. She will always have, and know she has, the upper hand. I don't know if this is true, perhaps it is only my perception.

I suppose the devil's advocate would say that I am unwilling to take chances in a relationship. Perhaps it is a self-preservation mechanism. As we all know, in investing the return is proportional to the risk. Low risk, low return. High risk, high return. In that regard my risk aversion will always yield low relationship returns.

I am not sure what I am going to do. However, I am leaning towards pulling the e-brake with Kay. I'm not interested in games, despite thinking she's a great girl (high return, I suppose).

1 comment:

  1. If you call and leave a voicemail and she returns that with a text the next day that is a bad sign. Stop contacting her and see if she picks up the slack. If she does, she's interested.


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