Tuesday, February 23, 2010

En Fuego

Tiny invited me over for dinner last night since I'll be gone until next week. She made a very spicy Thai curry, but the sex turned out to be even spicier.

Last night was the first time I was in Tiny's place and to be blunt, the bathroom and kitchen were a little scary. I'm by no means a neat freak, but there are minimum standards of cleanliness that weren't being met in those rooms. I've seen worse, but it was just a little nasty. However, the apartment was really old, and she's moving next week, so maybe the new place won't be as bad.

I showed up at Tiny's around 8pm with some wine. She was cutting and chopping, so I pitched in and did what I could. Tiny's kitchen was proportional to her, and the two of us bumped into each other constantly. I felt like I was cooking in the kitchen of a doll house. The stove, the cutting board, the knives, the table, they were all miniature. I'm not sure how we didn't accidentally stab one another in those tight quarters.

Dinner didn't take long to cook, we made our plates and took it into the living room/bedroom to eat. I don't think Tiny cooks all that often because the ratio of the ingredients was a little off, but it was still really tasty. One ingredient that I don't think was measured properly was the hot pepper. While we were cooking I recall Tiny saying that the recipe called for on dried hot red pepper and that she substituted one fresh hot red pepper. In retrospect fresh peppers are much hotter than dried ones. I like really spicy foods, but halfway through dinner Tiny was beet red and had to pour extra yogurt on her plate to cut the heat. Even I was sweating.

When we finished dinner I was ready to go home but we ended up fooling around on the couch, and eventually moving to the bed. The clothes came off and Tiny went down on me. It felt great at first, then I noticed a slight tingling on my penis that slowly morphed into a warm sensation, and eventually a catastrophic magnesium-exposed-to-air-impossible-to-extinguish burning. My dick, literally, felt like it was dipped in gasoline and lit on fire.

The real problem is that once I felt the burning it was too late, the damage had already been done. I made Tiny stop and we carried on, but I am I sore today. You would think that I would have learned this lesson already. Apparently not, though.


  1. I can't stop laughing!


  2. whats with you and these dirty girls? and not DIRTY in the "Christina Agulera(sp)Way"... wasnt there another girl who had dog urine on her kitchen floor? Maybe all girls in DC are just too busy to be... um... clean? EW!

  3. I agree with you...going into a chick's apartment and finding it a disgusting mess is a big turn off. I am no clean freak as well, but at least put things away and straighten up a little. It is worse if she invites you over because you think maybe she did straighten up and what could it have looked like if she didn't.


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