Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lawson's Deli

I went to Lawson's Deli today for lunch and ran into one of the hottest girls I've ever seen in person. I was leaving and she was walking to get napkins when we passed each other and made eye contact. She smiled, and I tucked tail and went into shy pussy mode. I'm so disappointed in myself.

The girl was about 25, long blond hair, very pretty face, and was wearing a t-shirt, black leggings, and slippers. She probably just came from the gym, and she still looked stunning.

There's a saying that goes something like this: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten." I think Tony Robbins said it. I interpret it that you must take risks to better yourself. In regards to my dating life, perhaps I'm underwhelmed by the girls in DC because I am content to pluck the low hanging fruit. I don't take any risks.

It frustrates me that I can be so bold in some instances and such an impotent twerp others. I should have walked right up to her, introduced myself, and asked her for her number. Why is the fear of rejection so powerful?


  1. Because who wants to feel like shit when someone laughs at you and basically denies you...which, in turn, is a statement that they dont think you are good enough! YA. so even the possiblity of such an event is enough to keep on truckin...

  2. Sometimes it's so frustrating as woman - giving the right signals to a guy and him not having the cajones to approach. (People would probably say I should approach instead, but I guess I'm too old fashioned for that. I'd lose a bit of respect for the guy if I had to do the chasing, honestly.)

    Lesson learned.....hopefully?

  3. How are you posting at 10:34 a.m. about where you had lunch today?

  4. The time on the blog is not's never been.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I respect your honesty. Not every woman will reject you. And if they do, that doesn't diminish your self value.

    I hope the next time you see a stunner, you'll approach.



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