Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday Night Plans

Saturday night was just as debaucherous at Friday night, and I wound up meeting some girl Madam's Organ and getting her phone number. She was hot, but COVERED in tattoos. I have a thing for tats, but it was probably a bit much. I was out with some people who know Kay and they weren't pleased that I was getting this girls number, but as I saw it I was kind of getting screwed over by Kay and was free to do whatever I wanted. Sunday afternoon almost confirmed this.

Kay and I had plans to dinner Sunday night, so I called her and left a voicemail to give me a ring and we could figure out what we wanted to do. She called me back a little while later and said she was slammed at work and would be in the office until late that night, and asked if we could reschedule for Wednesday. I suppressed the growing internal rage. Long story short I basically told her that if she didn't want to hang out that's fine, but that I didn't appreciate being strung along. I explained that I enjoyed her company, and understood that she just got out of a bad relationship. I didn't want her to feel like I was putting any pressure on her, but that she had cancelled on me twice and I wasn't too happy about it. I said she can call me next week if she wanted to get together and said goodbye.

I was pissed, but there was a calming effect because I had now confirmed that she wasn't interested. At least the uncertainty was gone. I was not going to all Kay again, I wrote her off.

Ten minutes later the phone rang, it was Kay. I answered and she apologized and asked if I wanted to hang out that night. The question seemed preposterous. She knew I wanted to see her, Kay had to decide if she wanted to see me, and I told her that.

We met up and after dinner had a talk about what was going on. I found out that a few people had warned Kay that I didn't have a history of stable relationships, and that she should be very careful because I would end up hurting her. This didn't come as any great surprise to me, I figured that talk would happen. I explained to Kay how much I liked being with her, and that I had no intention of hurting her. Kay admitted that she tried to put a little distance between us because of what she had been told about me. Again, this is understandable.

In the end our talk cleared a lot of issues that could have been avoided by having this discussion earlier. Kay stayed at my place and I think we kept my new tenant up most of the night.

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