Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Tony is a coworker of mine who sits across the hall from me. He's a pretty funny guy that marches to the beat of his own drummer. He has crazy, nubby, little dreads and a long go-tee, both of which are unusual for our office environment (this is a gross understatement). Tony started here just a few months ago. I usually leave my office around 4pm, go workout for an hour or so, then come back up and work for a few more hours. After observing this for a couple of weeks Tony asked where I go and I told him about the gym in the building. The next week he started going as well, and we've talked about workouts a couple of times since then.

Last Thursday Tony came by my office and told me about this tea "cleanse" that he was doing in conjunction with a new lifting schedule. The cleanse involved drinking several different types of teas a day for a few weeks. I don't necessarily buy into the holistic medicine school of thought, but I don't think it's total bunk, I'm sure some of the herbs have positive effects. A little while later Tony dropped off a couple bags of the teas he's drinking and told me I should give it a shot. I said "These aren't going to make me shit my pants, are they?", and he assured me they wouldn't. I was apprehensive about drinking them before I had to pick up Kay and spend the rest of the afternoon in the car with her, so I thanked him and put the bags in my desk drawer.

Yesterday morning Tony asked me what I thought of the teas and I said I hadn't tried them yet, but that I was going to drink it later on that morning. Actually, I had completely forgotten about them. I had drank two strong cups of coffee already that morning, but I figured I would give them a shot. I poured out the rest of my coffee and filled the mug with hot water. I let the tea steep for 20 minutes then drank it down. I threw out the package the bag came in and I don't recall the name, I wish I had saved it. Later that afternoon I drank the second tea Tony gave me, something called the Bija Deep Cleanse. I think it took about 25 minutes before I was running down the hallway to the men's room. That was the first of roughly five visits I made to the stall that afternoon, plus a few more that night at home. I decided not to workout last night, I was afraid all that pushing and pulling would not agree with my stomach. I'm still not right and it has been 24 hours since I drank those fucking things. I want to strangle Tony, I can't wait to see him today.

I dropped some movies off at Blockbuster last night and ran into Bear. I was on the bike stopped at a red light and she was running across the street in front of me. I beeped the horn and she waved, and held her hand up to her head making the "I'll call you" gesture. She was clearly in a hurry. She called me later and asked if I wanted to meet up for drinks tonight (Tuesday). I don't think Bear is looking to hook up or get back together, and I am not either, so I don't have a problem with it. However, I do realize that does give the appearance of impropriety.

So here's the conundrum of the week: Kay is on the pill and we have unprotected sex. I would like to have a discussion with her about how this is risky behavior if either of us are seeing other people. If we mutually decide we want to see other people we need to use protection. If not, we need to agree that we are in a monogamous relationship. Normally, this would not be a conversation I would be anxious to have because I generally don't want to be pinned down, and I am NEVER anxious to define my relationships. Perhaps on some level I am looking for a way to show that I am committed to Kay. But I also don't want to pick up an STD. The real conundrum is that Kay leaves on Friday for vacation with her sister, and I don't want to time this discussion with her vacation because I don't want her to get the impression that I am trying to pin HER down.

Lastly, Kay and I talked about taking a motorcycle trip over Labor Day Weekend. I am going to look at my biker maps and see if there are any short but scenic rides in VA, maybe up near the vineyards.

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