Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I have made commitments and promises to my friends and one sister that I will not crush Kay's heart by being my normal dick-head self. I have been threatened with bodily harm if I go back on these promises. I like Kay, and have no intentions of hurting her, but the gods are conspiring against me.

The timing is so (im)perfect it's laughable. Yesterday, after hundreds of unnecessary hours in the gym, GG decided to...well, not ignore me. It's as if men give off a hormone when they are trying to be "good guys", some sort of scent that women find irresistible.

I was standing in the lobby of my building waiting for some coworkers to join me for lunch when GG walked out of the elevator looking stunning. Jesus she's tall! I looked up from my Blackberry, smiled, then looked back down. I didn't even say hi because she was a good twenty feet away from me and with the girl she usually works out with. A second later I felt a hand grasp my bicep and when I looked up GG was walking past and said "Hey, how are you?", I nearly shit my pants, clearly she thought I was someone else. I let out an impish noise that could only loosely be interpreted as "hello" and she walked off looking back once with a smile. She had walked out of her way to say hi, what the hell is that all about?

I realize she only touched my arm and said hello, it's not like she blew me, but put in context of her virtually ignoring my existence up until then, it caught me off guard.

On a completely different topic, my crazy neighbor made a comment on my Facebook page about the "noises" she heard coming from my patio on Sunday night. The noises were Kay and I in the hot tub, so it's really inappropriate for her to make any comments about that. I ignored her.


  1. Yep, that's how it starts.

    You can be single all the time and no one will pay you any attention, the second you find someone they all come out of the woodwork.

    I say leave GG alone. That whole "shit where you sleep/eat" deal.

    At least for now...

  2. I'd say the pheremone in question is not "good guy", but rather it's "happily getting enough good sex lately" (maybe with some affection thrown in there too). Damn, every time!

    I don't recall your past descriptions of GG making her sound alluring enough to sweat it.
    Seems she's more of an intrigue, mostly by seeming aloof, unavailable, etc. I second Shawn Smith's comments.

    Hey, if you could set up your crazy neighbor with a man of her own, maybe lots of sex would neutralize her trouble-making tendency(?).
    (ha ha).


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