Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rogue Wave

I worked from home yesterday because the washer/dryer in my rental unit mysteriously died right when my new tenant moved in, so the new one was delivered in the afternoon ($1300). User error? Hard to prove. I told my tenant (some chick from the mid-west) the delivery date, and time window. I then called thirty minutes before the truck was to arrive just to give her further notice. I heard the truck pull up and went down to her unit to let them in. This chick, who is a lawyer, comes out in jeans, a VERY loose tank top, and a bra. The tank top was so loose it may as well have not even been on, her tits were hanging out all over the place. Put something on, will you.

Kay came over last night for dinner. She is free Wednesday nights so we have been getting together pretty regularly mid week in addition to the weekends. I cooked dinner and we ate outside since it cooled off a bit last night. I love to cook, but it's a challenge because I am a carnivore, and she is strictly a vegetarian. Most of the things I end up cooking are essentially meat-free, but I cook meat on the side for myself and toss it on top. It's not much fun, to be honest.

After dinner we hung out and talked for a while. Kay asked if we could go in the tub, so we went downstairs to change. I had all good intentions of going directly to the tub until she took off her skirt and I spotted the super-sexy thong she had on. She didn't have a chance, I tossed her over my shoulder and carried her to the bed. We had a quick session in bed then moved to the tub. We relaxed in the tub for about 45 minutes then started up again. Kay was on top grinding pretty hard when I noticed that a big wave was moving perfectly back and forth across the surface of the water. Usually when you splash around in the water there are a series of equal-size waves, but here there was just one big one. It sloshed from front to back in perfect rhythm to our movements until it bounced off the back wall and rushed back into us. When the wave hit Kay's back she lurched forward. I saw it coming, it looked like a rogue wave, and it looked like it could actually break. Water went everywhere like when a wave sneaks up on you at the beach. This morning I noticed that he tub was a solid four inches low on water.

I don't know if it was the spicy Thai food I made, or the weather, or moon, or what, but we were both worked up last night. After the tub we went to bed and had a long session that bounced all over the bed. Then there was a 3am session that was payback for my tenant breaking my washer/dryer. We only went at it for about 30 minutes that time, but it was loud and certainly woke her up.

I'm going to Philly this weekend to help a friend do a couple of home improvement projects.


  1. Your writing style has really gotten better from the start. I've really enjoyed your stories and your blog is so much like mine. Keep it up.

    I'm glad things are working out for you and Kay. She seems like the type of woman that you need. I'm sure the meat/veggie thing will work out.

  2. Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.

  3. If you appreciate feedback and wish to encourage it, you might want to look at the thoughtful feedback which I took time to compose for you on August 3rd.

  4. Thank you for your feedback, too. I will read your recommendations as soon as I finish the book I am in the middle of.


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