Friday, August 28, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Kay leaves tomorrow for a few days R&R with her sister in Nashville. I think they chose Nashville because it's cheap and her sister can drive there. I've been to Nashville many times and have always had a good time, but I don't know about spending a whole week there. To each his, or her, own.

I asked Kay what she wanted to do next weekend and she wants to go out on the bike. I didn't make plans to board my dog so I am going to ask my new tenant to feed the hound one of the nights, which limits our trip to just an overnight. The dilemma is, where to go for just one evening. I would like to choose a route that minimizes our time on the highway, it's much more enjoyable to take back roads. The ride should be no more than three hours each way (about 100-150 miles). If you look at a map of DC, the options aren't all that interesting.

Our options are: Baltimore, Annapolis, Richmond, shoreline points, Shenandoah Valley, and Gettysburg.

Right away I crossed off Baltimore and Richmond. Kay hates Baltimore, and I spend a ton of time in Richmond and am pretty sick of it. We went to Annapolis a few weeks ago, so someplace new may be nice, but I will keep that on the short-list. I do know someone who charters a boat out of Annapolis, it could be fun to rent that for a night and stay on board. Shenandoah is an option, but I feel that's a bit too much like what we did last weekend. The shore is nice, but the ride sucks, especially just for an overnight. I put Gettysburg on there because the ride is beautiful, but as far as fun or romantic destinations go, it really doesn't rank very high.

I still have never been to the Outerbanks, that could have been a cool trip, but it's pretty far.

I'll run these options by Kay tonight and see what she thinks.


  1. Try Berkeley Springs in WV. It is a nice ride, perfect for an overnight stay. There is a spa to get massages, good food and peace!

    Enjoy the weekend ;)

  2. Thanks, I will look it up online and add to the list.


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