Monday, January 31, 2011

Special Brownies

Saturday night I had plans to get dinner at Marvin and see a show at the Black Cat with ME. ME has never done any drugs, but had been wanting to try weed, so to spice things up a bit I brought along some special brownies.

Before I get to the brownies I need to talk about ME's inability to be on-time for anything. We've gone out thirty or forty times now and she's never been on time. She's always thirty minutes late so I've started just factoring that into our plans. Saturday night the show started at 9, and I figured it takes an hour to eat, so I asked her to meet me at the restaurant at 7:30.

I arrived at 7:25 and like clockwork received a text from her saying she was running a half hour late. Then, at 8 she sent me another text saying she was 20 minutes away. When she still wasn't there at 8:30 I texted her and said I was leaving when I finished my cocktail, so she had about ten minutes. ME's next text said "Wait, trust me, I'll make it up to you". I wasn't really going to leave but I was pissed. She showed up just about ten minutes later.

After I gave ME shit for a few minutes I pulled the brownies from my coat pocket and placed one on her bread plate and one on mine. She said "What's that?", and I said "It's a brownie, a special brownie". ME was confused, she picked it up, smelled it, and asked where I got it. I told her my friend made them for me for Halloween. She said "Why would you keep a brownie that long, what's so special about it?" Maybe they don't have pot brownies in the middle east. Despite her heavy accent I sometimes forget ME didn't grow up in the US and doesn't always understand my pop culture (or drug) references. In a hushed tone so the couple at the table next to us couldn't hear I said "It was frozen. It's a pot brownie. You said you wanted to try them?".

I was expecting a million questions from ME, but instead she just popped the whole thing in her mouth, chewed a couple of times, swallowed, then said "It's dry, but good". I shrugged and ate mine as well.

My sister had tried one of the brownies and said it was VERY strong, like "stuck on the couch all day" strong, so I cut one brownie in half for ME and I to share. It was her first time and didn't want her to be overwhelmed.

Within twenty minutes I started to feel the tell-tale tingling sensation of the pot kicking in. I asked ME if she felt anything and she no. A few minutes later I saw her muttering to herself so I asked her who she was talking to? ME said "I was just saying my address." I asked why and she said "Because I thought I forgot it". I leaned in and said "You're stoned, trust me".

When we got to the Black Cat we were in the full grip of the brownies. I got us drinks as the opening act took the stage. When they started to play ME said "The music, it's too much. I feel like they are playing inside me". Then the light show started and ME about lost her mind. The main act, Si Se, came on a short time later and put on a great show. However, the combination of a violin and an overzealous percussion guy proved to be too much for ME and she asked if we could go back to my house. I said sure and we cabbed back to my place.

When we got to my house we went right to the bedroom. ME had on stretch pants, a tight shirt, and this furry belt around her waist. I took off her shirt and pants, but couldn't figure out the belt, so we just left it on. ME is a handful in bed to begin with, but in her heightened state of euphoria she was almost out of control.

Fifteen minutes into round one ME was on top of me grinding away. Instead of grabbing her hips I looped my hands through the belt, gave each side a half-twist, and used it like a handle to manipulate her body. Maybe it was the drugs, but having that handle was like finding another gear, she went even crazier. The noises she made were disturbing. They were a cross between grunts and guttural groans, like GRRRRRR's and UGGGGHHHHHH's combined in short and long bursts. They were sounds I've never heard come out of a human before. I imagine it's the sound a woman would make if you stabbed her in the belly, very hard, with a large knife. I liked the groans and found that if I hit certain spots inside her the groans would get louder or softer, depending on the spot. The downside was that I was terrified my tenant was going to call the police. Being somewhat paranoid I kept one eye on my window and expected to see flashing lights at any moment.

At 3am ME woke me up and said she had to go home. I hate the fact that she can't spend the night because each trip to her house takes an hour round trip. I had sobered up but still wasn't happy about the drive. She said I could drop her off at Union Station to catch a cab, but the last time I did that she laced into me about how she almost froze to death, so that lesson was learned and I just drove her home then turned around and came right back to my place.

Changing subjects, I got a call from DGII, the chick who I left the note on her car. We have plans to get drinks this week. Apparently she didn't think the note was creepy.


  1. Ok...I do not normally do this, but that post was just a little to much to take. I do know the purpose of blogs is to write about your life; so it takes a very self-absorbed, narcissistic, and egotistical person to have an ongoing blog. But come on and be a little realistic, this one is just ridiculous.

    1. You met me back in November, so that gives you about 60 days of knowing her and you have seen her "30 or 40 times" since? That means you see her on average of every other day. Do the two of you not have separate lives? No wonder you get bored with girls so easily. Spend time apart. And the late thing is just a cop-out for every guy to complain about with girls. All girls run late.

    2. You are in your mid to late 30s and supposedly a successful business professional with a real estate/property management side business. Are you really eating pot brownies?

    3. Again, supposedly you have been with a countless number of women and you can not get a cheap decorative belt off?

    4. If you are seeing ME every other day, how are you going to even have time to see the dog walker?

    Not every story (because that is what they truly are) needs to be overly embellished and make you out to be some ultra cool, savvy, king in bed type of guy. You are just an average guy that hits on girls 10 years younger than him with severe emotional issues and you fill a void. And I know a girl that has hooked up with you and got in your hot tub.

  2. I just don't see the point to your methods anymore. I've been reading your blog from the beginning; I remember you stated you were tired of dating and wanted to find The One. You haven't done anything to change your dating patterns---you sometimes try new things in order to meet more women, score more hookups. Your thing with ME is a fine example. You like her a lot, you spend a lot of time with her, but you are not willing to fully commit to her and actually BE in a relationship. I don't think you will ever be satisfied with one woman, because you are always on the lookout for something else.

  3. Well said and BRAVO to the above comments

  4. I think this blog is finished.

  5. I'm not fully invested in this blog like some of you guys, but the stories he tell are possible.

    I don't see what eating a "speacial brownie" has to do with running a successful business at all. If you are just nitpicking at his blog then why not just find another blog to read?

    Sure a lot of the things he says are self-absorbed, but we are all guilty of that (blog or no blog). C'mon, folks.

    It's getting really old. Just stop reading the blog if it's come to this...

  6. I am so sure that the above comment defending NN and this blog is NN himself. ;)

  7. Well hell, I think the blog is funny. I don't give a damn if it's 100% accurate or not. I enjoy the stories.

    I'm sure another anonymous writer will tell me to suck Nhot Nhut's d*ck again because of this comment.

    But hey, I'm unafraid to stand by my post. And I won't respond with insults.

    Feel free to bash if you must.

  8. It's amazing that NN has amassed so much hate in what seems like a relatively short period of time compared to how long he's had this blog. Looks like some of his "conquests" were bound to stumble upon this sooner or later and take out their frustration on him with childish, insulting comments. First, it pisses you guys off that he always takes his dates to the hot tub. Now, everything is apparently a lie and you have been so personally offended that you need to attack him.

    Honestly people, what does it matter to you all (unless you really are his bitter conquests) what this man chooses to do with his life? NN can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he created this thing to seek advice from strangers online. Of course everyone has the right to their opinion, but the haters are looking as stupid as they think NN does to them.

    I have been reading this blog for over a year purely for my own entertainment. I do not come here seeking tips on how to live my life. I do not come here to spew venomous comments because I disagree with how they live their life. Take this blog for what it is: a bunch of stories that are meant to entertain. I hope/doubt that these comments will influence how NN progresses with this blog.

  9. ^^^^^ that's NN, who is a girl, by the way.

  10. I agree with the first two posters with the exception of the pot brownie. Who DOESN'T use pot these days? If you don't merely because it's against the law, shut upppp.

    I know guys who talk about wanting to settle down but they refuse to do so, always looking for the better offer out there. You will never find the perfect woman. Ever. If you're not okay with that, keep up what you're doing, but if you do want to settle down you actually have to make that happen and then work at it every single day for the rest of your life. It will never magically fall into your lap.

    How often you've seen ME is quite a lot if you guys aren't committed yet. I read here for the entertainment, but it always burns me up when guys are dishonest about dating multiple women at once. It's not "manly" to not disclose this information; be an adult and tell all these women you're fucking that you have other partners so they can protect themselves. If you are, awesome.


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