Tuesday, January 4, 2011

NYE 2010

I started off the new year with uncharacteristically responsible behavior that ultimately led to a rather low-key NYE with ME. Overall I like her, but there are some things that she does that lead me to believe she's higher maintenance than I like.

First and foremost, I've quite chewing tobacco. My habit has steadily increased over the past year to the point where it had more than doubled. I was going through two tins of dip a week, which averages two or three dips a day, whereas I used to hold myself to just one per day. As a result of the increase my gums hurt, my teeth could use a whitening, and I noticed I was getting a lot of sore throats. I needed to stop. I had my last dip just before I went to bed on my birthday and when I was done I threw the tin in the garbage. I haven't had one since and it has been more than a week. I miss it most when I read at night, which is when I used to chew, but I miss it much less than I expected I would.

I stayed in DC for NYE instead of going to the Caribbean with my friends, which I figure saved me at least a few grand. It is nice to start off the year with money in the bank. I spent the night with ME at Lima on K Street which was not my top choice of venue for the evening.

ME came over to my place early on NYE so she could get ready at my place. Before she went into my room to change she asked me if I would like to get ready first. I was already dressed to go out, which meant that she obviously thought I was under dressed for the evening. I wasn't sure how to respond. My first thought was "I don't care what she thinks, I'm not changing", then I got offended. I decided to buy myself some time and told her "No, you go in first". While she was in my room I got a little worked up. I went from offended to angry to indignant. I was wearing what I had on and that was that.

Fifteen minutes later ME emerged from my room and I was stunned. She's a good looking woman and has a nice body, but I was completely unprepared for how beautiful she looked. She had on a simple silver dress and giant black stilettos. The dress was strapless and fit so perfectly it was like she had been dipped in silver. I must have done something very kind in a former life, like started an orphanage or cured a terrible disease.

After seeing her I didn't even argue, I just went into my room and put on a black suit. While I was getting ready I thought to myself "even if Brad Pitt was in my closet, and I zipped him open and wore him around like a suit all night, I am still going to look ridiculous next to that creature in my living room".

As we were about to leave the house I told ME that we would have to walk to about two blocks to catch a cab, to which she responded "I can't walk two blocks in these heels". I had tried calling cabs earlier in the night and they weren't even answering the phones, it was too busy of a night for them. I even called the car service my office uses and they didn't have anyone they could send over. This could be a problem. I tried to downplay how far it was but ME said "Would you mind getting a cab and coming back to pick me up?" The principle of this aggravated me. How could she wear shoes she couldn't walk in? She looks stunning, yes, but if she can't go anywhere what good is it? Maybe if she looked a little less fantastic she would be more mobile. Whatever, I fetched the cab. The way she looked I would have done it naked covered in peanut butter if she asked.

I'm not sure how we ended up at Lima for the night. There were all sorts of great options available to us, but when it came time to make plans we both dropped the ball and Lima was the only place of the seven we called that would seat us at a reasonable hour. I'd had never been to Lima before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It was disappointing. The place is just cheesy and trashy. It was everything I wanted to avoid on NYE but we made do and had a good time together.

We left Lima at 2am and came back to my place for our first "sleepover". The sex is great, I don't have any complaints other than I seem to get a lot of cuts and bruises, especially on my back. She has sharp nails and really digs in. My friend C-roc suggested I put mittens on her to stop the clawing, which is a great visual. One thing that is a little quirky about ME is that she likes to have sex on my couch. We were fooling around in my bed at 4am and she said "Can we go upstairs?". It's fine with me, I can't figure out the turn-on with the couch, though. Also, my tenant that lives below me must have thought I was torturing some girl all night. ME's a screamer. Loud, violent, high-pitched screams like a seagull. It's a stark contrast to Tiny who used to unceremoniously announce in monotone "I just came".

There is a challenge with every girl, and with ME it has to do with the ambient temperature of whatever room she is in. She is never comfortable. It's either too hot or too cold. I spent all night fiddling with the thermostat. She can detect a two degree variance in the air temp. But now I know, her ideal temp is 69 degrees. Any colder or hotter and she squawks. That got annoying very quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I don't get the draw to Lima either. Everyone always requests that spot on the bus. It's really not that great.


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