Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Morning Duece

There are few things as awkward and uncomfortable as having to take your morning constitutional while a "house guest" from the evening before is still over. It stresses me out and usually leads to me rush the girl out the door in the morning. My guess is that most girls think I'm rushing them out of the house solely because I want to get rid of them. I do admit this is sometimes the case, but not always. Sometimes I really like the girl and don't want them to have to hear and smell me relieving myself.

I know it's natural and everyone does it, but let's face it, a smelly morning shit isn't sexy to anyone. It's an especially giant turn-off if you just met the person and/or it is the first time she stayed over your house. But what are we supposed to do?

Sure, you can march into the bathroom and smash away, embracing nature, but that's just uncouth early in the relationship. You can pretend your taking a shower, run the water, and try to take a really quiet crap, but even if you hide the sounds you still have to contend with the odor. Or you can rush the girl home and crap in peace, which is what I prefer. The problem here is you run the risk of sending the message "I loathe you and want you out of my home".

What I never understood is how a girl can wake up at my place and casually lounge around the house all morning. Doesn't she have to shit? I'm tap dancing around my place like Sammy Davis Jr and she's watching the Food Network. How is that possible that she doesn't have to go?

Maybe girls are on an evening shit schedule. My friend C-roc is a principal and can't shit in the morning, so he's on an evening schedule. He craps after dinner, which is counter intuitive to me because you're piling crap on top of crap. It only makes sense to me that you would want to clear your system out in the morning to make room for the day's meals.

I tried shifting to an evening schedule once. For a whole week I didn't allow myself to shit in the morning, I only went when I got home from work. It was impossible to convince my body this was the best plan. I was constipated and ornery all day and when I finally got home and would allow myself to go, I no longer had the urge. I'd force myself to go, and that just isn't the same. There was great potential of improving my love life, but my body had other plans.

My biggest fear is that I will postpone my morning shit so that I don't rush the girl out, but then have to take an emergency shit while she's still there. You know, one of those MyshitiscominginfivesecondswhetherIlikeitornot! shits. The ones where you're unbuttoning your pants as you run to the toilet to save time and hopefully avoid crapping in your pants like a child. It's never happened to me, but I dread it. The thought alone makes me cringe.

When I renovated my house I thought I was really clever and installed the biggest, most efficient ventilation fan I could find. It moves more air than a car painting booth. The problem is that it's loud, so as soon as you turn that thing on everyone in the house knows what you're doing in there. You click on the switch and the motor cycles up, then the air start sucking out of the room: Varoooooooom-annnnnhhhhhHHHH-WHOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!.... I may as well hang a sign on the door announcing what I'm doing in the bathroom.

The best is when I stay over a girls place. I have a built in excuse to go home, I just say I have to let my dog out.


  1. I just shit whenever I have to, there is no schedule. The only people I know who have a schedule are dudes.

  2. While I think that you're putting way too much thought into this whole thing, I suggest you make it so that the fan in the bathroom automatically turns on when the light goes on. Problem solved.

    Also, she has a child. She can handle poo.

  3. With the fan and shower going you're fine, no one cares that much what you're doing in the bathroom. Except then it is bad if they want to bust in and shower with you. Usually I rush them out too unless I feel really comfortable with them, or else I take my emergency shit in the public restroom when we go out to breakfast.

  4. This post is hilarious!

    PS, folks are on different shit schedules.

  5. Really...you are in your mid to late 30s and you still care if a girl knows you take a shit in your house? That is pretty juvenile if you ask me and just shows how immature and incapable of a relationship you are. All of your writing says that, and I have been reading your blog for a couple years now.

    Get over yourself and just take a shit in your own house.

  6. Tiffanie, just suck his dick already. This blog is fucking tragic. Horrible writing, horrible stories. I actually pity you for living this life.

  7. Cannot believe that you are worried about this. Honestly, as a woman, your dip habit is more of a turn off than your stinky morning poo. Everyone poops. Use the fan, a little lysol, and maybe say "babe, you might need to go pee before I get in there".

    Besides, you don't seem to stick with a lady for more than a few months anyway, so what difference does it make?


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