Friday, February 4, 2011


I thought I should briefly address the recent criticism. In short, I don't know any of you and don't care what you think of me. I don't care if you read my blog or like my writing style. I don't care if you think I'm an asshole (which I generally admit I am) or full of shit. I am simply retelling events in my life because I think the dating scene in DC is interesting. Often I just copy and paste emails that I sent to friends into the blog then change names, places, or slightly blurr timelines to cover my identity. If you want to read something that has been fact-checked go buy a New York Times. If you want to criticize, I am fine with that, believe me when I tell you that you're not hurting my feelings. The comments are usually amusing to me, especially when someone accuses me of defending myself as an anonymous poster. The irony is that if I did have something to gain from this blog I would be better off posting anonymous criticism than defensive rhetoric because the hits on the page go through the roof when the criticism is posted.

Enough on this, go about your day.


  1. people critisize others out of boredom or their lack of a life themselves. Whats even funnier,as you said, is that they dont have the BALLS to own their comments! Its like the tattletale in school or at work... do it under cloak. Its not doubtthe same person as the comments always say the same exact thing. Perhaps they know who you are... huh. I personally like your writing style and as someone in the dating world, I have alot ofthe same wonderments and frustrations. If someone has NOTHING BETTER TO DO than post negativity, they should PROBABLY check themselves and stop worrying about others. :) Moving on...

  2. I haven't commented lately so I've no idea what you're talking about specifically, but I own whatever criticizing comments I make. They are not made due to jealously (can we please retire that stupid argument); the internet makes it so not having a filter is okay. I'm glad you're okay with criticism because you can't expect to be so honest about your bad behavior without people having an opinion.

  3. dude, we're just tired of your obviously bullshit stories. That's all.

  4. It doesn't bother you, but you write an entire blog about it? Douchebag!!!!


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