Monday, January 24, 2011

Can't Win Them All

I met a girl in my neighborhood just before the holidays. She was walking her dog by my house and we stopped and talked for a few minutes. Then, during the last snow storm I saw her in a car stuck in the snow on the side of the road. I pushed her out and we exchanged names, and I thought I picked up on a connection, but I haven't seen her since.

Last Thursday night I was walking the dog and saw her car parked in the same area she had gotten stuck. Snow was in the forecast that night so I went home and wrote the following note (paraphrased):

"Dear [Dog Girl 2],

I saw your car and remembered the forecast is calling for snow tonight. My number is below, give me a call if you get stuck again and need another push...or would like to get a drink together sometime.

-[signed with full name]
[my phone number]"

I put the note in an envelope with her name on the front, placed it in a plastic bag, and put it under her windshield wiper.

I talked to some friends and they said there are four possible reactions she could have. The first is, "Holy shit this is creepy, the dude is a stalker". The second is "It's kind of sweet but I have a boyfriend". The third is she's single but didn't find me attractive and the fourth is she's flattered and calls me.

She hasn't contacted me. Aside from feeling rejected, I'm pissed because she lives on my favorite dog walking route, which I now have to abandon because I don't want to bump into her again.


  1. Is this one of those where you hit the post button by mistake?

  2. ok: so if I was Dog Girl i would wait until i saw you again to contact you (i.e. in person, when/ if we run into each other) and i would totally judge you and the letter then (...but a little bit before that too -- leaning towards 'creepster(!!)... but maybe ill be 3rd impressioned" feelings) based on how you reacted towards our meeting
    i would want you to be friendly and mention the elephant in the room letter. otherwise... totally creepy creepster who possibly knows my license plate no.


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