Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tiny Ultimatum

I had dinner last night with Tiny. Everything was going great until we got home and she initiated "the talk".

Before I get into that, though, I had a great NN The Idiot Boy moment that needs to be shared. I was walking into the gym last night and Gym Girl was in the aerobics room stretching. She had on a pair of totally form-fitting grey spandex pants, a sports bra, and was standing spread eagle and bent over at the waist touching her toes. I had to walk past her to get the the locker room and was blatantly staring because I didn't think she could see me. However, I forgot how mirrors work and she could totally see me glaring at her ass as I approached. When I noticed that she could see me I panicked and blurted out "thank you", apparently a response for her being kind enough to wear those pant and assume that pose. What a jackass.

Back to Tiny's place. Here's the thing. After dinner we're hanging out on the couch talking, everything is cool, it gets late, and we decide to go to bed. I get into bed and tiny goes into the bathroom. She comes out a few minutes later in this sexy little tank top and underwear. She crawls into bed and after a few minutes of kissing she leans back and say "So, where are WE headed?". OK, fair enough, we've been going out for a few months now so this was inevitable. I said I don't know, I like things to develop on their own organically, I'm not big into titles, etc. In a very matter of fact tone she said "Well, I'm 33, and I want to have kids, so if you don't see this headed in that direction I would like to know now".

I have to say, I really respect how she worded her entire argument. She was totally non-confrontational and emotionally neutral. She basically said fish or cut bait and it was probably the most I have ever been attracted to her. It's the only time in my life that I've had this conversation with a girl (and I've had this talk many times) and didn't feel like a cornered animal. However, was this really the proper time to have this talk? We just spent two hours at a restaurant and thirty minutes hanging out on her couch. Those would have been good times to have a serious discussion, NOT while were were in bed about to have sex. I was at a distinct disadvantage. Plus, she's getting skewed data at that point since the little head had taken control of the body.

Anyway, I think the moral of the story here is that she's out soon.


  1. Pick,pick,pick,pick!! No one can be right around you. My guess is she made a "deal" with herself that she would not let the night end without having "the talk." Probably took her all night to get up the nerve. Also, maybe she wanted to get laid- same as you. You have prefered the talk afterwards?

  2. The best explanation of your situation:

  3. The moral of the story is, you're making excuses for not being honest. You like to tell yourself, and the rest of the world via this blog, that you're an upfront and honest guy. It's not your fault a girl doesn't make her desires or expectations known to you and then she ends up feeling disappointed or misled.

    But, your behavior shows you actually only tell the truth to women when it's convenient for you. You'll cut a chic loose if you aren't fucking yet, or if you are fucking several different chics at the same time. Here, Tiny's the only chic you're fucking this week, so you lie to her when she brings up "the talk," to give yourself time to find new pussy before you're honest with her.

    I keep reading this blog hoping that one day you might turn into the nice guy you claim to be.

  4. To the 2nd Anonymous: HA! I also keep reading this blog as waiting for SOMETHING to happen! I keep thinking that soon or later some girl is going to come around and that will be it, NN will step to the plate and do what it takes to be with her. I guess we came sort of close with Kate, but, that situation did nothing to either make NN try to get her back or stop, examine and possibly change his behavior. but HEY! it is much more fun, not to sya easier, to get super wasted any night of the week.
    I am begining to feel I could stop reading this blog and if I could somehow step back into NN life in say 8 years, all would be the same. Except by that point, the age gap between him and his dates will grown bigger and instead of just coming across as arrogant, cocky and self entitled there would also be the element of lecherous.

  5. Man you broads on this site come across as bitter.

    NN is banging grown women who play it as ambiguous as he does. What do you expect him to do? On date 1, just go. "Hey, I'm just looking to get laid. Now if somehow sex with you is the best I ever had, you don't have the least bit of psycho in you and have your life together, and our personalities just click in that special way, then maybe we can pursue something more serious. By the way, I'm pretty sure I don't want kids and marriage really isn't in the cards for me, but I'm all for long-term monogamy with the right woman. The odds are pretty much stacked against you, though."

    That's just like the ho' du jour responding with, "Well, I'm five years behind schedule in getting married and finding a sucker to tend to my every whim. I want babies, lots of them, mostly because my friends and family all tell me that's what I'm supposed to want and it's the only way I can be sure you'll stick around or keep paying for my lazy ass if you get sick of my bs. Prior to walking down the aisle, there'll be plenty of wild sex, and heck you may ever talk me into a three way if I think it'll be the only way to get you to commit. After we're married, I fully intend to be a stay-at-home-mom (ie-you get to work your ass off to pay for everything), and I highly doubt I'll have any time to go to the gym or watch what I eat. Sound good?"

    NN, keep doing what you're doing. Ho's - if you've got a problem with how men play the dating game, try the honest approach you bitches are constantly touting. See how many men of quality (men that actually have options), stick around.


  6. I think Tiny raised the issue of the relationship right before sex because women are emotional with sex. So her heart is in it or almost in it.

  7. as angry as anon above sounds he is on to something.
    2. its totally manipulative to ask an EPIC question such as that when things are about go down.Seriously, think about , who does that?
    " Hey I know where about to have sex but I need a baby?Are you horny enough to say yes right now or should I blow you for a few minutes and then offer you anal sex?....ok how about now, now will you make a baby now?"

    Those questions are not for pre coital festivities! post sex?? sure why the hell not? At least you don't a get a testicle influenced answer and PS if you bullshit to get your nut, well its fucked up but the end result is the same....... with exception that you got to have maybe.


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