Monday, May 17, 2010

Full Moon

This was a strange weekend, it was like there was a full moon.

Friday night I went out with Tiny for dinner then to a movie. Midway through dinner asked me about kids and how many I wanted (not with her, just in general). I think the topic came up innocently enough and then spiraled into a long discussion (debate) when I told her I wasn't sure I wanted any. This is a deal breaker for most women and Tiny seemed irked by my candid responses. While it wasn't a full blown issue on Friday I know the topic will come up again and she will have refined her argument.

Saturday night I got side-swiped by my friend Chuck. He invited me over to his house for a BBQ. I was the first to arrive and while he was starting up the grill his wife said something like "It's not going to be awkward with Kay here, is it?". Chuck hadn't mentioned she would be there and I know it was intentional. To be perfectly honest had he told me I probably would have made other plans. I just don't want to hang out with her, I still foster a little resentment. I know I shouldn't, but there is still that tiny little spot deep inside me that is pissed off. It's like a sliver that you think is gone then something rubs against it and reminds you that it's still there. In the end it was pretty cathartic, bolstered by the fact that she gained a lot of weight and really didn't look good.

Sunday I went out on Chuck's boat. It was the first outing of the season so we just ran up the Potomac. We picked up his wife in Georgetown then threw anchor a few hundred yards past the Key Bridge. Anchored a hundred feet away was a pretty big boat that looked like the set of a music video. On board were two fat middle aged white guys and six hot blond girls in some of the tiniest bikinis I've ever seen on the river. The girls were all laying out on the front deck of the boat and the dudes were like lost puppies, wandering around the boat looking for something to do. I was like, are you kidding me, all that tail and you two fucking knuckle-heads are look bored? I wanted to swim over and throw the two goofs overboard Somali-pirate style.

After the boat ride I was relaxing at home when I received a text from Bear that said she was in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by. I said sure and she came by an hour later, hammered, and extremely confrontational. Bear doesn't usually get drunk like this in the middle of the day (that's my MO) so I didn't see it coming. Bear was pretty hard to handle. She was charged up and needed constant monitoring to keep her from hurting herself or breaking something in my place. Just when I thought I had her under control she said "So, who is this college girl you hooked up with in Canada?" Wow, I hadn't seen that coming! She was referring to Blue, and I guess she pieced it together by the timing of when she became my Facebook friend. She continued "I was hooking up with other people at the time too, but I just want to hear you admit it...I won't get mad". When girls say they won't get mad, it means they will get FURIOUS. I side stepped the question, I didn't feel the need to tell her anything or, frankly, to explain my actions. By the time I calmed her down it was 10pm and I was tired, so I said "Well, it's getting late and I have to be up early tomorrow, I need to get to bed soon", hoping she would get the hint and head home. She said "Good I'm tired too" but I got the distinct feeling that didn't mean she was going home. I said "Would you like a ride?" and with that she burst into tears. Sobbing with tears streaming down her face she said "You're not going to invite me to stay?". Uhh, no, not with you in combative hysterics, I'm not. I didn't actually say that, though. I had an early meeting this morning so I used that as an excuse and she left a few minutes later.


  1. What makes you so mad about/at Kate? That fact that she ended something with you? Please expand on this topic, quite curious about your thoughts.

  2. "When girls say they won't get mad, it means they will get FURIOUS" - That's probably true for most women, but there are still a few of us who just want some honesty. I was strung on by a guy like you for 9 months, and kept telling him "Just tell me the truth". I already knew what he was doing, I just wanted him to tell me the truth. We have now been together for 9 months (total 18 with the previous on and off), and he knows that he can tell me anything. I never got "FURIOUS". I just think that no matter what kind relationship you have - serious or not - honesty is always better. Your problem seems to be that you don't have the balls to say "I just want sex, and am not interested in any sort of relationship with you". Maybe if you did you could still fuck whenever you wanted without all the drama.

  3. Not sure if I missed something, but didn't you end it with tiny a while back?


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