Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mini Mouse

A painfully shy girl in my gym has been trying for months to introduce herself. I can see her summoning the courage to say hello then chickening out. She's an extremely innocent but cute first year lawyer in my building (I did some research). I have conflicting feelings on the matter. She's sexy and I wouldn't mind a quick romp but I can tell I would never date her, she's far too quiet and shy. I wonder, do I have a moral obligation not to fuck her because I know it would end at that? Do I have moral obligation TO fuck just because I know I can?

Mini Mouse: She's medium height, about 5'6", but petite, and very in-shape with a rock hard body. She has a cute face that for some reason reminds me of a mouse, so I'm going to call her Mini Mouse.

Mini Mouse (MM) runs in a sports bra and tiny little black spandex shorts, with the most blatant camel-toe I've ever seen, every damn day. It's like seeing a stack of hundred dollar bills sitting on the sidewalk. I want the money but I know it's wrong to take it. The temptation is overwhelming.

Here's another factor to consider. Sometimes chicks that seem shy are really bat shit crazy and sexual predators, she could be a dominatrix in her spare time for all I know. Bear is a perfect example of this. I tend to think that if she turns out to be aggressive in that way I'm not doing anything wrong sleeping with her.

I know exactly how this would go down. I'd say hello to her and segway into "Hey, why don't we get drinks some Friday after work?" Then you could draw an approximate line between Old Ebbitt Grill and my house, with about 5 bar stops and a sloppy cab ride make-out in between, and you'd have a fairly accurate trajectory for the evening. There would be a few rounds of gymnastic sex at my place, an awkward ride to the office in the morning, and two to three weeks of strained text messaging. We'd alter our gym schedules then eventually I would be referred to as "That asshole who never called" and she would be "The chick from the gym who [insert strange sexual preference or carnal noise]".


  1. Yeah. I think that stack of $100's might have an explosive ink tag attached to it. You wouldn't want it blowing up in your face.

  2. Are you getting bored with the same scenario? (Meet a woman, fake-date her, sex her up, bounce in a few weeks.)


    (And there's no judgment in this. I'm just curious.)

  3. Yes, getting a little tired of it. I suppose that's the point of the blog.

  4. Eventually the stories about the crazy shit some chic did in bed lose their appeal and you're left sleeping alone.

  5. But then again u can get bored dating the same person for a long time....grass is always greener

  6. Grass may be greener but the maintance is always the same.

    Someone once told me to step outside of my comfort zone and choose someone or "type" that I may not ever consider. Have you ever tried that? Whatever "type" would be out of ranks for you, that is...

  7. You're getting tired of it but still doing the same ole' same ole'. Change begins with you. It would be way more interesting to read about you trying something new--not sexually--but try something other than your routine.

    But on the other hand, if you feel like you're just going to end up being 'that guy' then I totally respect you for staying away.

  8. Give me an example of "trying something new". I'll do anything once, but I don't know what you have in mind...


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