Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome to Charleston, SC

Beads and her roommates had a party at their house Saturday night, I've never seen so many hot girls in one place. It would have been the best party in the world if I wasn't "dating" one of the hosts.

I showed up early for the party to help Beads and her roommate pick up the keg. When I got there a flip cup table was set up in their yard and the prerequisite bag of red Solo cups were stacked on a table. This was my first sign that I was about to attend a frat party.

We picked up the keg and carried it into their house, and Beads and her roommates treated me like I created fire or invented the rotary engine because I knew how to tap it. I had no idea that was such a valuable skill set, for one brief moment I was the smartest human on Earth. They literally stared in awe, basking in the reflective glory of my keg-tapping greatness.

Fast forward three hours. In the back yard are thirty five girls and five guys, all hammered, and all from Charleston, SC except for myself and Beads. It had to be the single largest concentration of Charleston residents outside of Charleston. The obvious lop sided guy to girl ratio led to some pretty funny antics. Girls were being super aggressive, I don't think any of the single guys there left alone.

I had three girls introduce themselves to me during the night. The first time it happened I was a little caught off guard because I had to explain what I was doing there. The girl and I chatted for a second, then she said "So, who do you know here?", and I realized I hadn't come prepared to answer that, a crucial misstep on my part. I said "I'm a friend of Beads. I, me, I'm, here with Beads. I'm seeing her, Beads." Yes, I know, very smooth. The girl got the point and walked away rather uncomfortable with the exchange. The second explanation was similar, and by the third time I simply said "I'm dating Beads". While technically true, it didn't exactly roll off the tongue.

Later in the evening I turned around and saw one of the really hot girls standing in the corner of the yard holding her shirt up while two other girls snapped pictures. I couldn't help staring, her body was basically perfect, there wasn't an ounce of fat on her and she had the most delicious boobs. When I got caught blatantly gawking I said "What are you guys doing", and the hottie said "I was showing them what's under my shirt", and she did a little seductive hip gyration. What was under her shirt was not much. She had on black leggings, black leather stiletto heels, a black bra, and a black silk shirt that hung down a little past her hips when not hiked up to her bra. She dropped her shirt back down and said "I just got it, do you like it?", I said I liked it, but referred to her shirt as a "dress" because it kind of looked like a short dress. She turned around, pointing her ass towards me, bent over, and said "It's not a dress, it's a shirt. If I wore this as a dress my butt would hang out when I did this". She was right. Her friend, the photographer, said "Yeah, and you would look like a slut". She stood back up and said "Well, I am", and they giggled and walked away.

I don't want to talk about that anymore...

We played flip cups for a few hours until the keg was kicked. Most trainers will tell you it takes at least ten thousand repititions to cement muscle memory. I was shocked at how quickly I slid into a comfortable one-n-done flip groove. If you figure there are about 2 ounces of beer in the cup, times ten thousand, divided by twelve ounces in a beer, that 1,666 beers needed to acquire flip cup muscle memory. Hmmmm, that's a calculation I wish I hadn't done.

In the morning, while we cleaned up, Beads reached into the fridge and said "Someone drank all my OJ!" I hadn't had any coffee yet, and was a little hung over, so I didn't respond. She repeated it, and I said "So what?". She ranted about the OJ for a solid 7 minutes before I repeated "SO WHAT?" Of course there was no good reason other than she's kind of a spoiled only-child. She probably had 50 people at her house at the party's peak, they drank everything in the house that was wet. Why are you even bringing it up? She does this a lot and it bothers me, it comes across as very selfish behavior. If you don't like people drinking your OJ, don't buy it or don't invite people over. I'm mad that I even have to write about it, it's that absurd.

Last night I took Tiny on a bike ride, then back to my place for dinner. I've come to the conclusion that she has an eating disorder. She doesn't actually eat anything, she just pushes it around the plate. She will pick up a piece of food with her fork, shake it like she's trying to get something to fall off it, then put it back on the plate and pick up another piece of food. Then, repeat. Oh man, what else can I run into? I'm not equipped to deal with eating disorders, I just like food too much.


  1. "I don't want to talk about that anymore..."

    If I could just hang with you for one week of your life it would the greatest moment of my lifetime. ha ha hahah.

  2. The expectations and admiration of a "girl's" perfect body you desire will conflict with wanting a girl that have to pick which one you want. Hope you are rich and willing to support a woman because only a girl who will eat like you expect will have to spend all her time in the gym when she is not with you. Remember, there is a difference is a girl and a woman, genetics do come into play when we get over 23.

  3. Looks like NN will be dating "girls" until he is an old he likes the "really hot girls" since that is how he sees all females as "girls". He will continue to play games with "girls", complain about the games and the "girl's" immaturity. He is destined to be alone until he starts looking for ladies and accept they may have flaws. Until he finds that one "girl" who he cannot wait to talk to, as well as have wild sex with, he will be unsatisfied. Typical arrogant a**hole that strings "girls" along unable to even commit to say "dating" and turns them into bitter young women. Thanks for messing with these "girls" and help them transform, you dick!

  4. /\ angry lonely cat lady strikes back

  5. Of course it is possible to eat and be hot, but I'm honestly shocked that this is your first encounter with an eating disorder since "hot" seems to be your only criteria.

  6. You can't really blame Tiny, if she gains a pound you'll probably kick her to the curb.

  7. In response to the anonymous calling the other anonymous "cat lady:"

    I feel excatly the way she-or he!(let's not assume!) does about NN! Whenever a single friend of mine wants to give a guy the benefit of the doubt over some jerk behavior, I tell her to read this blog. And for the record, I am happily married- to a tall, cute, sucessful man 6 years my junior- I am 38. Been together 5 years! And even though I have never been close to what NN would consider thin, I look younger than my husband and still get asked out...self confidence, (what NN's date seem to lack) can get you real far!

  8. Also for the record-I am an artist, and although I have a beautiful ring, I often don't wear it because of the materials I work with.

  9. All of that justification could sure beg the question of what your insecurities are, Lisa. The fact is NN can like whatever the hell he damn well pleases since I do believe our founding fathers didn't veto the right to judge girls on their appearance. If you read more of his blog posts you would understand that he does care about more than appearance.

    The real problem that the women who criticize him in the comments on here have is they resent the type of guy NN is. He's a guy's guy and goes from girl to girl to girl. You all seem to blame him for being able to date all of these girls. They're adults though, aren't they? Can't they think for themselves? I don't think he leaves them any worse for the wear compared to when he first meets them. You all seem to say you detest that kind of guy but I'm sure you've all dated one in the past because they're very charming and can easily sway your critical judgement.

  10. Dear Anonymous
    First off all, I explained, not justified, details about myself to ward off comments from the peanut gallery..comments such as"if you are married, why do guys hit on you, you are a single cat woman," etc. Sorry if my logic went belwo the limits of your critical thinking.

    Second- you sound an awful like NN defending his stance!!

    All of the women that NN dates really do not look out for themselves and their best interests. However, by 25-28 most women wise up and start looking for a good guy. If you are over 30 and still falling for the bad guy, you have your own issues.

    So NN is not a nice guy- therefore, Kay breaks up with him, he sleeps around with younger girls, gets annoyed with girls that do not step in line with what he feels is right and, rightly so, questions the mental state of the one women over 30 he is dating.

    And as far not leaving these women worst for wear- what you personally interviewed each and everyone? Maybe you have, NN!

  11. I think it's funny that people perceive my thoughts as so reprehensible that it is inconceivable someone else would defend them. I never thought I was such a bad guy.

  12. I don't think anybody thinks they're bad lol.

    I'd be really curious as to what the female side of these stories are....

  13. I can assure you I am not NN as it is obvious to anyone he's not the kinda guy who feels the need to make himself look good to married women who take offense with the kind of guy he is. I'm just a student in DC who stumbled on this blog and enjoys reading new posts every week that I feel like I can relate to from a pretty normal guy's guy. My point was if the girls are worse for the wear, it's probably because of their own issues. He doesn't do anything horribly malicious to them unless you consider breaking up with them to be that. NN isn't a bad guy just for speculating he may be dating someone with an eating disorder. I remember when I found out a female friend of mine used to have an eating disorder it explained a lot of the crazy behavior she had towards many of my guy friends she dated. I guess it'll be a sad day when NN has to change his criteria for what attracts him to a girl because the angry female mob of commenters storms his house armed with rolling pins. Some guys like thick girls, some guys like straight up fat girls, some guys like model thin girls, etc. Just how it is.

  14. NN, don't even sweat it. I mean seriously, some old cougar that married a no-game loser who's 6 years younger and looks older than her is certainly not one to criticize. Or some artsy chick who married some douche after getting nailed by every bad boy artist type throughout her 20's. You take those opinions to heart, you outta smack yourself.

    Bottom line, women want men with options. What they don't want are for men to exercise those options. They refuse to believe that until men have exhausted all options or found a (seemingly) perfect option (or simply tired), would they settle down. What the types of women who've been strung along by an alpha-male type refuse to accept is that it was simply that they didn't have enough looks, personality, or sexual prowess, or most likely a solid combination of all three to keep him.

  15. My, what a fine gallery of reader comments;
    many (not all) showing so much anger, humorless criticism, and an odd complacency about letting oneself be confused with all the others who default to sign off as "anonymous" ...

    NN, you live such a tough life, oh the hardships you must endure, I feel so sorry for you... Hang in there man! ha ha Good Luck (really).

  16. I loved this entry.that is all.

  17. I just love the fact you used the word DELICIOUS...cuz...its really my FAVORITE WORD. EVER.

    Eating disorder? wow. you nailed her nickname perfectly. Nuff said. Im entertained at all the women that commented on this post. Just because he was admiring a girl that has a "perfect" body doesnt make him a bad guy. Every guy looks at a woman with a rocking body. Fuck, I do! Im not defending him but I am of the believe that he just hasnt run across the woman that leaves his mouth dry and his hands shakey. The one that can look him in the eyes and melt him right into a mushy puddle. If we single people dont date, how are we to find someone? If a girl wrote this blog about her escapades, I wonder what would be said then. Curious. I used to be the 'EMPOWERED WOMAN' that hated guys like NN. Now, being single again, I realize that when you are in your 30's, things change. Seems to me he dates these random girls to stay entertained and, well...because he can. Im a woman that dates often and I happen to 'test drive' my dates. I love sex. Does that make me a slut? Hardly. She will come around and chances are, she might not give him a 2nd look or he will have to work a little harder for her. In the meantime, have fun! life too short to play by so many fucking rules!

  18. YEAH!!! West LA is back! I was wondering were you where.


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