Sunday, January 18, 2009


I should start by saying that I am unbelievable hung over today. It's 8:30pm and I am still not sure if I am going to boot. I took two weeks off from drinking after my trip, and I am really hurting.

On Friday I decided to see if DC girls are more attracted to "bad boys" or for someone they would be more inclined to take home to meet the 'rents. My experiment, which is completely unscientific and lacks even basic controls, did have some interesting results.

Friday night was bad boy night. I went out in jeans, work boots, a motorcycle t-shirt, unshaven and with my hair spiked up like a jackass. I had two married buddies as wingmen, which obviously doesn't help matters. We started the night at Bread Soda in Glover Park, then moved to the Wonderland Ballroom in Columbia Heights, and eventually to Saint Ex, my go-to bar. In an unusual twist my two buddies, excited to be out sans-wives, ended up getting trashed while I managed to keep it somewhat under control most of the night (the wheels eventually fell off the wagon at 4am, when I succame to the dozens of shots we had).

We played pool at Bread Soda for a couple of hours. There really wasn't much talent there, the only girl I talked to was the bartender, who was sporting a fresh black eye. She served us a few rounds and ended up drinking whiskey or scotch by herself at the bar when her shift ended. The black eye was intriguing, but we decided to press on to Wonderland before I had time to learn how she got it.

I really can't say enough good things about Wonderland, if you haven't been there I highly recommend it, it's a fantastic place and I always have fun. We had a few beers and some shots there. I talked to a couple of girls, but I ended up spending most of my time talking to this one blond girl with huge cans. I said all kinds of nonsense to this girl, and was being cocky as hell. Eventually I asked her if she wanted to come home with me. The answer was an unequivocal no. I was very upfront, I told her I wasn't looking for a relationship, just a hookup for the night. As you can imagine this did not help my case. She appreciated my honestly, but she still wasn't getting in the car with me, no chance, no how.

After blondie I tried the same approach with an Asian girl and another blond, both with the same results. At this point it was about 2am, so we pushed on to Saint Ex.

By the time we got to Saint Ex my buddies were essentially incapacitated. Between the smoking and the dozens of beers and shots they had they could hardly walk. After one round we got cut off because they were unable to speak. It was late so we grabbed a pizza and they poured themselves into a cab. I got home around 4am, alone, and sporting a fantastic headache.

Saturday night was good guy, or "preppy" night. I am not sure I actually looked preppy, but I certainly looked respectable. I had on a black cashmere sweater, a nice pair of jeans, black Gucci shoes, clean shaven with my hair somewhat combed (I don't actually have a comb or brush, but I did put a little gel in it and ran my fingers through it a couple of times). Come to think of it, I probably looked more like a NYC thug than an ivy league grad, but it was the closest thing to preppy I could muster. I'm not exactly a Vineyard Vines, popped-collar, kind of guy.

I met two buddies at Buffalo Billiards in Dupont to watch the Michigan game, then we moved up to the Front Page. I usually don't like the Front Page, I think it is a little too much of a "scene' for me, but it would do for the night.

I was there with two buddies, one from the night before, and his friend from college. Both are married, and I think both are lawyers. I must say, Front Page was packed, and there were at least two, maybe three women there for each guy. I would talk to a girl for a few minutes, get her number, then tell her my friends were getting ready to leave, so I had to go. Then I would turn around and there would be another girl there looking for a guy to talk to. I did this four times in the matter of 40 minutes. On the fourth one I settled in and talked to this one girl who I thought was cute. However, after chatting for about an hour she started talking/dancing with some other dude. I decided to cut my losses and leave while I was still ahead.

As I side note, I got three empanadas before hailing a gypsy cab for my $20 ride home. I tried hailing three cabs, but when I told them my destination (Cap Hill) they all drove off. I'm not sure what that is about. When one cab drove off I tried to dent the side of it with my fist, but I only succeeded in breaking, or perhaps nearly breaking, my right index finger. Awesome.

While I got three numbers as the good guy versus none as the bad boy, I think that is is hard to say definitively that it was solely due to my clothes or demeanor. For one thing, it was 14 degrees Friday night and there weren't that many people out. Secondly, I think the sheer number of (seemingly) single women at Front Page was largely responsible for my success rate in getting numbers. I may try this again some other weekend to see if I get the same results.

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