Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Two things. First is that I never heard back from the Front Page girl. I left her a message last week and never got a call back. Such is life. Maybe she saw me get two other numbers that night, probably wasn't the best plan.

This weekend Argentina is flying to NYC. My buddies from the New Year's South America trip are planning a fun weekend, and I am taking the train up Friday afternoon to join in.

It has been almost six years since I worked in NYC, so I am totally out of the loop when it comes to knowing any of the relevant restaurants or clubs. The last time I hung out there Spa was one of the hardest spots to get into. I hear it has turned over three times since then, and is probably a car dealership, or something like that now. Therefore, I don't know any of the places we are going, I'm just along for the ride and will trust their excellent judgement when it comes to food and nightlife.

You may recall that I was quite smitten by the leggy Argentina (the girl, not the country). We danced a lot, but there was never any hooking up, we just had a good time together. I really enjoy her company and would like to try to make the generally-difficult transition from friend to...more than friends (intentionally vague here). I realize she lives 4,000 miles away.

You may have guessed by now that I often don't have strong (or any) feelings for the ladies I meet. I liked Dee, but I think a portion of those feelings were because she was playing hard to get. With Argentina I sincerely like her and would like to get to know her better. The only time I hung out with her was under the most severe circumstances. We were jet-setting all over South America, so I would like to see if I feel the same way about her just lounging around DC.

I have been emailing Argentina since I got home from the trip, and invited her to come to DC next week. Her plans have been a little up in the air because she was having trouble getting a visa. She also has been auditioning for commercials, and wasn't sure what her schedule was going to be. Now that she has a visa and a flight up, I really don't know if she is still coming to DC or not, we never made concrete plans.

If I were to take a step back, or if I was hearing the story above from one of my friends, I would slap him in the head and say "Wake up stupid, if she wanted to hang out with you she would have made it clear. The fact that she is being vague is the answer to your question, she's not interested." At the same time I have experienced a fair degree of success in life, and it is all due to my persistence. "Can't" and "I give up" are not in my vocabulary. Therefore, I think I can wear her down.

My invitation to her was open-ended, she can stay as long as she would like. Maybe I will email her today and see what her plans are.

Someone really needs to write a manual about these things. Perhaps a decision grid. Man has been walking around Earth for a few thousand years, you can't tell me someone hasn't experienced this exact scenario in that time.

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