Wednesday, December 8, 2010


This has nothing to do with dating, it's just a great story that I thought I would share.

My friend Betty was walking down the street this weekend with her kids when a foreign couple came up to her and said they found a sick baby squirrel on the sidewalk that needed help. They asked Betty if she could "adopt" the squirrel and nurse it back to health because they were leaving that day and had to catch a plane, so they couldn't help it anymore. The guy was holding the squirrel like a baby, swaddling and stroking it. Betty said she couldn't help him, then kind of leaned forward to look at the little grey squirrel. The guy was petting it, but stopped and kind of opened his hands and showed her the animal. Betty looked and said "Umm, that's not a squirrel, that's a rat!".

Fuzzy little foreigners. I wonder where they were from that they didn't know a rat from a squirrel.


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