Friday, December 10, 2010


Fucking miserable night. Bartender came over for dinner, had sex twice, she spent the night, I had fever and hallucinated, she left very early in the morning.

I decided to have Bartender over for dinner last night. It was the only night this week she was free, and I didn't want to go out on a Jameson shooting spree on a week night, especially one that I had to be up at 5am the next day. Dinner, hot tub, and a movie seemed more civilized.

Dinner went fine. It was a dry run of the meal I am going to make for ME Sunday night (needs more pepper and basil). We ate, drank some wine, then went into the hot tub for an hour. The water was about 100 degrees, and the air was around 35 degrees, maybe 40. Whatever it was it threw my body all out of whack and I tripped balls with Papa Smurf and the Three Stooges for the following five hours in my bed while Bartender slammed her elbows into my kidneys. Glorious night, I tell you.

When we first got into bed the fever hadn't taken grip yet and I was well enough for a few rounds of sex. The first round was quiet, but on the second round I asked Bartender what she liked/wanted, and she said "I want you to get behind me". No problem, my preferred position anyway. She then said "I want it hard", sure, I can do that. "Harder!" - raising her voice a little. I picked up the pace and depth of thrust. Then she ordered "Harder!!!" and I began pumping away like I was drilling for oil. Then I felt like I hit something inside her, my penis bent at a irregular angle, she tensed up and said "OK, no, too hard. Softer."

An hour later I was sweating like a fiend and shivering, which you would think are two mutually exclusive body-states. Nope, not last night.

Going to put myself under house arrest until Sunday night.

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