Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Typical DC Girl

Here's yet another example of how strange girls in DC are. I can't tell if it's social awkwardness or a sense of entitlement. Whatever it is, it's not attractive.

Last week I was at Harris Teeter after work picking up some groceries for dinner. I was in the produce isle and spotted a young brunette picking out vegetables. She was cute, but wasn't going to be walking the runway anytime soon, so I thought she would be a good girl to try and chat up. I've never had any luck in the grocery store before and this struck me as a good opportunity to test the waters. I'll call her Teeter.

Teeter: Teeter was young, or at least young enough to believe the nonsense I was about to spew-forth (25?). She was medium height (5'6"), decent enough body, light brown hair, blue eyes. She was dressed like she just left work, business casual, but just OK, my guess is Hill Staffer. It was hard to get a read on her body because of her clothes. She was slim, not too skinny, but not busty or super-sexy.

I walked in Teeter's general direction and grabbed some broccoli, the very small kind though, like broccolini, off the shelf and pretended to look confused. I figured it was a good angle to take in the grocery store, most women are happy to help the decent looking confused guy in the grocery store, much like I'm happy to help any cute girl in Home Depot. So I got her attention and said "Excuse me, do you know if they sell any grown-up broccoli here?" and held up the tiny little broccoli bunch. She laughed and explained that I was holding the organic kind, and then showed me where the "grown-up" broccoli was.

Long story short I got her number and we've been texting a bit.

This morning I sent Teeter a text and asked if she was interested in grabbing a drink tonight at 9 at Little Miss Whiskey's on H Street. She said she couldn't make it, but that she was free the rest of the week. I said "OK, how about drinks same place tomorrow?". Teeter's response was "Sure. What time? Does this place have good food? :-) ".

I was instantly turned off by her question about the food. I clearly said drinks, and she's angling for dinner. I sensed she was more interested in a free meal that hanging out and getting to know each other. For a minute I thought it was a bad joke or reference about how we met, but the more I thought about it the more I realized she wasn't.

I mulled this over at lunch, and when I came back to my desk I sent her a message that said "How's 9:30pm?". Fuck her. If she says yes she really wants to hang out, if not she's a douche bag. Her response "Too late, how about right after work?"

I don't think I'm cheap. I have no problem buying a girl dinner, or drinks, or a movie, or all three. I just don't want to get trapped for three hours if I determine I don't like this chick (which I already think I don't). Even if she offered to pay, or pay for half, I still wouldn't want to be locked into a meal with someone I don't know.

In the end I said I had a rough week and it would probably be better if we tried it some other week.


  1. Here is another point of view- the girl needs to be at work very early, 7am, wants to be focused and geniunely does not want to stay out late during the week! Maybe, just maybe, she is asking about the food because she is always very hungry when she leaves work!(might not even take a lunch break) You do not know this girl- she could have every intention of paying for herself. So she is not going to be walking the runway, does that mean she has bend to your plans in order to have the "honor" of meeting up with you??
    Something is happening to you lately. Your last few posts are nit picking girls about really stupid things!! You are coming accross as bitter, diffcult to please and WAY too picky!!
    You only see your side, never any compassion for anyone else. When I read this post, I wish I could tell this young women RUN!!!

  2. I would also like to tell Beads to RUN and don't look back!- after a few more good fucks, I feel that girl will get nothing but heartache from you.

  3. Let me get this right- if she said- let's skip the bar, come over my house to "watch a movie"-great! But having to eat a after work dinner with her- way too personal?!?

  4. im gonna have to agree with the girls on this one. It cant always be your way or the highway. What if you just missed out on someone spectacular because she doesnt bend to what YOU think is an appropriate "lets get to know each other" sitch. Its a bar...not a fancy resturant...dinner could last an hour or 2...and so could a drink. ive gone on many dates where we goto dinner and if anything, you can have interesting conversation, meet someone new and get out of the house...doesnt mean you are proposing marriage... loosen the reigns just a bit... :)

  5. Not to mention, shes probably thinking you were only looking to hook up with her..wanting to met at 930pm on a school night. :)

  6. I'm with Lisa. You are sounding like an entitled douche lately, even moreso than your norm. Get over yourself.

  7. I'm with the other girls here. Maybe you should see things from her perspective. You totally sound like you're just looking to get her buzzed, go back to her place, bang her and be back home in your own bed by 1 a.m. She suggests adding food to the mix or meeting earlier and you bail. You seem like a total douche bag who is just looking to get laid -- whether or not that was really your intention.

  8. OUCH... The girls are just being honest, but man did you get chewed out!

    I have been reading your blog from the start and I feel like I see where you are coming from/ who you are. This whole thing just sounds very "Nonuts" to me and I'm not surprised.

  9. Still sounds pretty presumptious of this chick to just assume you're taking her to dinner. The man did say "drinks",did he not? His reply of "how's 9:30pm?" was a douche move, but what do you expect when this is a girl he just met and she pushed a wrong button? no skin off either party's back if you ask me. To the comment about wanting to tell "Beads" to run for the hills, that's just plain idiotic since he shows a genuine interest in her. Then again, this blog is called "Crazy Girls DC" for a reason.


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