Thursday, January 28, 2010

Online Photos

Wow, really got shit-kicked for that last post. I figure I might as well get this out of the way while I'm in everyone's good graces. I've mentioned that I'm on trying online dating to see what's out there in DC. I have a few criteria I use when evaluating online photos.

Note: This just pertains to the photos, I do read what they have to say.

First and foremost, if you only have one picture posted I'm moving on. You're filed under "insufficient data". Everyone has at least one great picture of themselves, I need a minimum of three pictures to determine if I'm attracted to you.

If you you show just one side of your face in all of your pictures I have to believe that there is something horribly wrong with the other side of your face. It could be a scar, you're missing an eye, you had a stroke and that side is paralyzed. It's impossible that you're always facing the same way in every picture you've ever been in.

Hats other than baseball hats are a huge no no. You may think you look cute in a hat, but believe me, you don't. Now, you're probably saying "Yeah, but I have that really great hat that I wore to the Kentucky Derby last year...". I think the Kentucky Derby or a major polo match are the only places women should wear hats. I'm not saying you look good in them at those places, they're just the only places you can wear them. But under no circumstances should you post pictures of yourself in hats. Sorry.

So this is a big one, and where I get blasted by all the heavy chicks. I can pretty much tell everything I need to know about a girl's body by looking at her arm between her shoulder and her elbow. If that part of her arm is short, she's short. If it's chubby, she's chubby. If it's ripped, her whole body is ripped. If it looks sinewy, she is underweight and likely emaciated. If it's long and firm, she's tall and skinny. If there's a tattoo on it, there's bound to be more. There is no other part of the body that tells so much. Oh, and this isn't just me. Ask any guy (aside from your husband, he's going to lie if you're heavy) and he'll agree. To be perfectly honest, I check out girls' arms in public too.

If you don't show your body in any pictures, you're hiding something. I've been fooled by this one a couple of times. Girls with nice bodies like to show them off and post pictures where you can see them. Girls with lousy bodies show lots of face shots. I need to see at least one or two pictures with your legs.

Lastly, I can't stand when chicks take pictures of themselves in a mirror, or where you can see their arm leading back to the camera. What's that all about? It's like you never leave the house or have no friends to take pictures with. I immediately move on.


  1. well, lets see... where to start! haha..first off, YES YOU GOT YOUR ASS BEAT DOWN in the last post...but the important part of that is...what are your thoughts on the comments that were made?

    Secondly, Online dating is a hot mess. From a woman's perspective... I think that men that pose shirtless,self portraits in the mirror, with your kids(another pet peeve as I think thats exploiting kids inappropriately) and on your motorcycle are just WRONG WRONG WRONG! My issue? When I show full body pics, I get the guy that loves my chest and thinks because I have a nice "rack" I must be easy...I struggle with this because it brings out the guys that are looking for just the hookup and THAT is frustrating as well.

    I do agree with the arm thing though. TOTALLY! I guess its just a personal thing...some men will think a girl has a great face, attractive and actually has a PERSONALITY AND SOMETHING TO SAY in her profile and take their chances or...there are the guys that want the arm candy and could careless about the thoughts behind the bod...
    I hate dating.
    Im bitter today!

  2. I'm heading over to Facebook right now to change my profile picture to a full body, summer photo.



  3. My online dating experience echoes NN's comments about pix, and I've heard women say what LB said -- pix showing good curves can get too many guys just seeking sex. Hey LB, I get the man's version of that problem -- if I show below the neck, women just wanna use me as a big sex toy! boo hoo hoo ... (jk -- not really complaining. No, seriously, LB, I've heard other women have that problem)

    On my recent two first (and last) dates from an online contact, as soon as I saw her in person, I knew instantly I wasn't attracted, and that her pix had been misleading. Then, during the date (polite ho hum chat over a drink), I met another woman, with whom I had instant rapport, so I found a discreet moment to chat, got her contact info...

    Also it seems fairly common for women to lie about their age online (I don't know if men do it too). Ageism is starting to seem about as pathetic as racism. Stating your age upfront is an odd part of online dating. If you just met someone by chance out in public, you would not ask their age before deciding to date them, but online, that little number can be a brick wall before anything gets started...

  4. LB asked what my thoughts are from the comments made in the last post. I stand by what I wrote for the reasons I noted. I didn't want to commit to dinner. I wasn't angling to get laid and didn't have any ulterior motives. I learned from my mistake with Jaws. It's that simple.

    In my opinion the comments on my posts are like Rorschach tests, they reveal a lot about the person writing them.

    So, I apprecaite the feedback, I don't take the criticism personally, and once in a while I even learn something.



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