Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I am nursing a nice sunburn this morning. I am pretty sure I am hungover as well, but the sunburn seems to be the more pressing concern at the moment. I am in that phase where my skin is on fire but I am freezing cold. The burn will turn to tan by tomorrow and I should be fine. More lotion please. "It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again. Put the fucking lotion in the basket bitch!" Sorry, a little Silence of the Lambs digression.

I took the day off and volunteered at a charity golf tournament yesterday. It was nice except for the oppressive heat and gnats swarming around my mouth and eyes for eight hours. However, it was still better than sitting in the office, which is sad.

The tournament was held at a course that was out in the boonies of VA. I volunteer every year and it's always a good time because the people are all very nice and it's a great cause. My assignment was to work on a long-drive contest hole this year, and my partner was a really cool girl, Kristi, who worked for one of the charities. Kristi was engaged, but she was tons of fun and made the day go by quickly.

At the end of the afternoon, while we were driving our cart back to the club house, Kristi said "So, I never even asked you, do you have a girlfriend?", I said no, "Oh, I have lots of hot single friends, want to be set up?". I agreed and we talked a little bit about what her friends were like. The downside was that they all live out by Dulles. I suppose the distance could have its advantages. I got Kristi's number and we said we would maybe get together with some of her friends for happy hour one night.

I saw Chuck and his wife this weekend, nothing was said about the Kay debacle, though it was confirmed that she will be out the beach house on the 4th. I think my plan will be to try and get together with her once before that weekend so it's not awkward. Not much else to report from the weekend. I went to a few bars Friday and Saturday night, very little talent around. I went out on the Potomac on a friends boat on Sunday where I received half of my sunburn.

I didn't see GG at the gym on Friday. Maybe she will be there this afternoon.

I'm going home this weekend for a bachelor party and a birthday party. I haven't been home since March so I am looking forward to it. I'm not a mama's boy, but I do like being fed constantly for a few days.

I haven't talked to Dee in months so I checked out her Facebook page to see what she's been up to. There was a recurring guy in a bunch of photos so I don't think I am going to call her. I won't be home for very long so I would rather not deal with any nonsense.

The following two weekends are going to be nuts. In two weeks I am heading to the Hamptons with the crew I went to South America with. Argentina and a few other people from Buenos Aires are coming with us. I am going to drive up to NYC Thursday night then we are all going to drive out to a rental house Friday. One of the NYC guys invested in a restaurant on the beach so we're going to spend the day there Saturday. I checked out the website and it's one of those pretentious Hamptons places where people wear white-linen suits and drink Champagne all afternoon. It is the perfect venue for us to descend upon and cause havoc.

The weekend after that some friends and I are going to ride bikes up to Canada for a few nights. All these guys ride choppers and huge Harleys, really comfortable bikes that they can cruise on for hours. I have sport bikes, which start to feel like torture racks after 3 hours. It should be an interesting trip. I sometimes have to race ahead so I can stop and rest while they catch up.

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