Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Date 9: Ugly Mug

A few weeks ago I went to the Ugly Mug with some buddies while we waited for one guy's wife to finish up work. The games were on TV and the place was pretty crowded. It was fairly late at night and I still hadn't eaten dinner, so we ordered pizzas and beers and settled in to watch the games for a while.

I chatted with a cute girl next to me until we finished the pizza and moved on to our next stop for the evening. Before I left, though, I exchanged numbers with my new friend, who I will call Bear.

D9-Bear: At first I didn't think that much of Bear. She was fairly cute, but it was hard to get a read on her because the bar was very crowded. When I later saw her outside and could talk to her I realized she was fun, pretty cute, and had a nice body. Bear is about 5'6", 25 years old, thin, with a very "pert" body. She has long wavy hair and a cute smile. Bear seems very bright, but there is a naive side to her because she grew up in the boonies.

My friends and I bounced around Eastern Market for a while that night, and even crossed paths with Bear and her friends once on the sidewalk. As the night wore on I sent Bear a text telling her what bar we were at if she wanted to join us. She would later say it was "against dating etiquette" to call someone the same night you met them, but I said "I texted her, and we aren't dating", so it was OK.

Late that night Bear and I met up at a bar and she came back to my place for a while, but nothing major happened. We made plans to get together again.

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