Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nurse and Asia

First off, I called Nurse last week and she's giving me the runaround. I don't care if she's interested or not, but why flirt with me, give me your phone number, then pull this shit?

Last week I called her and left a message on her voicemail saying hello and asking her to give me a call. Nurse responded with a text saying she was working the next few days then was going to be out of town for the weekend, but that we should get together the following week (this week). I said fine and haven't heard from her since. Classic blow-off. I suppose I've been guilty of the same once or twice.

Recently I've been going to Wednesday Reggea night at 18th Street Lounge. What I like about it, aside from the music, is that it has a strong following, so I see a lot of the same people there each week.

A few weeks ago I met this Asian girl who was there with this other chick I know. We talked for a short time and she seemed pretty cool. She is five years younger me, about 5'3", really pretty face, long black hair, and a great body (rock-solid legs). My friend later told me that she's half Asian, half Greek, which you would never know by looking at her, she look's 100% Asian, but I'd like to send her parents a thank you card for getting together - fantastic work! My friend wasn't sure what her Asian heritage is, so I'll just call her Asia.

The first night I met Asia my friend said she is a little shy and that some people say she's reserved and "boring", which is a let down because she was so cute. She arrived just as I was leaving and we only talked for a few minutes. She did seem shy, but I wouldn't go so far as boring.

Last night I was there with a group of friends from work and was at the bar waiting for a drink when I saw Asia. I poked her as she walked past and she came over and gave me a huge hug and a kiss. I thought "Jesus, I've only met her once, she's pretty friendly". She was there with the other girl I know, Maggie, so I asked them if they would like a drink. Maggie said she'd have a water, and Asia said she would have one of whatever I was getting, which was a rum and coke. I got the drinks, handed Asia hers, then made my way through the crowd to Maggie to give her hers. As we walked Asia held my arm and tickled the inside of my bicep. When we got to where Maggie was Asia turned to me and said "This isn't a water!" and I said "I know, it's a rum and coke, you said you wanted what I was having. Would you like something else?" She said she wanted a water and handed me the drink and went over to the bar. She came back a few minutes later with another rum and coke for herself. I turned to Maggie and asked what the hell was up with Asia, and she said that she was hammered.

Apparently Asia had gone out with some dude earlier in the night and had a bunch of drinks, then met up with Maggie and the three of them went to the bar. Then, they met up with some other dude that has been chasing Asia. So now the five of us are standing in a circle and the two dudes took turns trying to impress Asia, which got old quickly. After a few minutes of that nonsense I went back over to the group of friends I had some with and hung out with them.

Towards the end of the night the back porch had thinned out a bit and we were all standing around and I saw Asia off to the side sending a text. I had forgot my phone at home last night, so I walked over to her and said "Here, put my number in your phone", which is basically what I did with Beads. Asia typed in my number and hit send so her number would be in my phone. I told her I had left my phone at home, but that I would give her a call and that we would go out some time. Asia said "Well, we'll see, you haven't shown me much tonight". I asked what she meant by that, and Asia said that I hadn't shown any interest in her all night. I said "Well, I didn't feel like competing with your other two dates. There's a few too many roosters in the hen house." She said "OK, we'll see".

I went home shortly after that.

I have Asia's number, but I'm not sure she'll remember giving it to me. I firmly believe in "en vino veritas", so think that all her touchy-feely behavior when I first saw her is a good sign.

1 comment:

  1. so now your m.o. is picking up other guys' leftovers? sad.


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