Wednesday, February 9, 2011


After a few weeks of trying to schedule a time to get together, DGII and I finally met up last night for dinner on the Hill. She's a cool girl and overall the night went well, but I did not get the sense there was much connection.

I spoke with DGII Monday night and we decided to get together for a drink after work. We agreed on a spot and I said I would pick her up at 7pm. At 7pm she called and asked for a "courtesy fifteen". Not a problem on the first date, so I said sure and gave her a "courtesy thirty".

I showed up at DGII's house, knocked on the door, then heard a bunch of yelling inside. I thought I heard "Come in!", but just before I opened the door I thought "Maybe she said coming, and not come in" so I decided to wait for her to open the door. When she did I was greeted by her and a little growling pit bull.

I had only briefly met DGII a couple of times, and I think both at night, so I didn't really remember what she looked like, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw her again. She's about 5'8", thin, with long strait jet-black hair and really big brown eyes.

Our plans were to get drinks but when we arrived at the restaurant it was packed. Most of the tables were full and there were no open seats at the bar. We walked to the hostess station and DGII said "Did you make a reservation", and I said "No, I didn't think we would need one on a Tuesday night". She said "That's OK, I called ahead". Normally I would think this was a presumptive move, but given how busy the place was I was impressed. To be honest, I felt like a dick for not thinking of it myself.

I thought dinner went well. We had a fair amount in common and she is easy to talk to and likes to laugh. She is very confident and wasn't afraid to swear or touch on topics that most girls avoid. For instance, I told her I was from a large family and that I was a "surprise" to my parents. She laughed then started to say something, but then stopped and I could tell she had something funny but was holding back. When I pressed her she said she has a friend who was also a "surprise" and that he refers to himself as "a load that was meant to be swallowed". I thought it was hysterical, and I've never heard it put quote so delicately before.

The other noteworthy thing about DGII was that her voice and delivery didn't match her appearance. She has a quiet, reserved look about her, but she talks like a Brooklyn trucker. It's more how she says things than the actual content (above example excluded). DGII has a tough-guy chip on her shoulder like she grew up with a bunch of big older brothers (which I later confirmed she didn't). It would be easy to catigorize the way she talks as unpolished, but I like it and took it as a sign that she was relaxed.

We finished dinner around 11pm and I was exhausted so I didn't suggest getting a drink afterwards, but it was late enough on a school night that I didn't think a night cap or anything else was expected. We talked about music and a few other things on the drive home, and when we pulled up to her house she just kept on talking. At first she was just finishing her story, then she started rambling on and I wasn't sure if she was stalling waiting for me to do something or stalling so that I couldn't make a move. When she ran out of breath I said "OK, well, I had a great time, let's do something when I get back into town in a few weeks (I have two weeks of business travel coming up)", she said "Yeah, that would be great", then spread her arms really wide and came in for this big exaggerated hug, which in my experience is never a good sign.

I didn't hear anything from DGII today and didn't call or text either. However, I think tomorrow I will shoot her a text just to say I had a good time.


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