Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gym and Fat People

The cute chick was in the gym last night. She ran for well over an hour and never looked up from the TV screen. I worked out and left, I never had an opportunity to say anything to her. She has great legs, but no butt and no chest. She's cute, though.

Time for another rant.

I am generally a fairly accepting person, and certainly would not consider myself a bigot (in general). However, there is one group that I am intolerant of, and that's fat people. Actually, it's not even all fat people, it's morbidly obese people that don't take responsibility for their weight.

Example: Last year I boarded a plane from NY to San Diego. My seat was on the isle of a two-seat row. My "neighbor" was a 250-300 pound woman. She boarded the plane before me, and had been kind enough to lift the arm rest between our seats because she couldn't fit in just one seat. I would say that she was spilling into at least 1/3 of my seat, and when I arrived at the seat she didn't even look up at me. I wasn't about to sit in 2/3 of a seat that is already 50% too small for 5 hours. I told her that she either had to put the armrest down or find another place to sit. She was incredulous, but I didn't give a shit. Take responsibility for your "condition", if you can't fit into one seat buy two. Can't afford it, don't fucking fly, keep your fat ass in NY. Why should I be inconvenienced because you can't control your urge to eat?

Let's take a step back for a moment. I'm not heartless, if it was a woman with cancer and she had an IV bag that had to hang in my face for the whole flight I would be fine with that. She is sick, she didn't choose to get cancer (let's assume she didn't smoke). Fat people aren't sick, they're just lazy. In a way they choose to get fat by choosing to overeat. They know: fruit-good, cake-bad, but still pick the cake.

Let's face it, everyone knows how you get fat, you stuff too much junk in that hole in the center of your face. Here's a group that should be lined up and shot; the assholes who sue McDonald's because they sold them food that is high in fat! What, McDonald's isn't good for you? Who knew? This has to be the same group that hasn't heard smoking is bad for you.

Another example: I work with a woman who is gi-fucking-gantic. I would say she's at least two bills but she's only 5'1". I have spent weeks with her working on projects, sometimes 12 hours per day. In the morning she has a giant Starbucks coffee, but not just a regular one. She orders the huge thing with the whipped cream, and chocolate and carmel drizzled on top, then puts about half a dozen sugar packets in it. It looks like a Dairy Queen sundae. At lunch she orders a salad, but it's covered with ham and bacon and everything else on the buffet, and then is drowned in some cheese-based dressing. You can't even see the lettuce anymore. Then she has the balls to tell everyone at the table that she's doing so well on her "diet" and has only had a coffee and salad all day..."You had an eight fucking hundred calorie coffee!!!". Her salad has more fat than my cheeseburger.

What brought on this tirade is that yesterday in the locker room there was a guy in there that weighed about 300 pounds. He was so big that he was having serious trouble just putting on his socks. He was sitting on a bench in his tighty-whities with a sock in each hand trying to psych himself up to put them on. It was almost a gymnastic routine for him to swing his leg up high enough that he could grab his ankle and quickly throw on a sock. After one foot he was breathing like he was delivering a baby, and I stuck around for a while just in case he had a heart attack on the second one. However, this guy was taking responsibility for his weight. I've seen him in the gym before and he's working out. I felt bad for the guy and wanted to help him (workout, not with the socks). This guy knows that you have to exercise if you want to lose weight.

My favorite fat group are the ones that think there are easy ways to lose weight. The South Beach Diet, the Atkins Diet, the raw food diet, and all that other bullshit. "Oh, I'll have a bacon cheeseburger, but no bun on top, carbs are fattening." Bullshit, carbs aren't fattening, FAT is fucking fattening. If you're fat, and you think that carbs are fattening, your fat because you have no idea how to eat healthy. My ancestors ate pasta twice a day for 700 years, and none of them were overweight. They just ate reasonable portions and worked hard.

If you learn to eat right you will never have to diet a day in your life. Adopt a healthy lifestyle and you can eat as much as you want.

I was a wrestler for a long time, so I consider myself an expert at losing weight. Here's the secret - Burn more calories than you consume. That's it, it's very simple. If I wrote a book the title would be that, "Burn more calories than you consume". My book would have no pages because everything you need to know is on the cover.

"I don't have time to exercise". This is my favorite thing to hear. I once saw a billboard in the side of a runners supply store in Manhattan that said "Someone busier than you found time to run today" and showed an old guy running in the park at night. I love that billboard. Did you ever notice that fat people are always the ones waiting for the elevator while the fit people are walking up the stairs? Don't talk to me about time no time to exercise. Oh, and don't say that you have bad genes, or a slow metabolism. I suppose your bad genes prevent you from walking up the stairs?

OK, I'm done, go about your day.


  1. I feel the same way. Luckily I haven't had to sit next to someone that was spilling over into my seat too much.

    I always look at obese people and wonder "what the hell were you thinking".

    One guy almost ran me over cause I didn't hear him coming on his double sized scooter.

  2. Obesity is a societal problem and has been one for a while. A girl in my painting class told me the average US woman is a size 12. I thought to myself, well, the average US woman is overweight.
    We have to fix our country. The stats arent getting better.
    63% of americans are overweight with a BMI of 25.0
    31% are obese with BMI of 30.0

  3. Well said!!!

    Though you really can not base anything off of BMI stats, some people simply just need to put the fork down. You are what you eat..literally.

    Love the blog.

  4. Haha.... well said!!

  5. All the fat people at my gym just go to the sauna and the pool/hot tub. I consider myself very tolerant, but his morning I saw a man, who was probably my age (23) who looked like he was about to die, he must have been 300+ lbs and had breasts. Seriously, breasts! Boobs bigger than my girlfriends. I caught myself just kinda staring at him with the same exression he had on his face (one of imminent death) then I caught myself. But at the same time, couldn't he at least have worn a shirt.....I'm all for you coming here, but don't put people through the trauma of seeing you with your shirt off. Same goes for all the old people with their stretch marks, veins, saggy skin and blubber.

    I know I'll get old one day, but I've pretty much stayed an Olympian my entire life and plan to be in shape tfill death. Even then, I'll probably put a shirt on to go in the tub, especially if I can look in the mirror and think, "hmmm....not so appealing."

  6. "I consider myself very tolerant".."couldn't he at least have worn a shirt.....I'm all for you coming here"
    Its too bad people in our society distinguish between sizes in order to determine who belongs. You imply that the gym is 'your' place when you say yuou are all for fat people coming 'here'.
    I would much rather see a 400 pound mans breasts than watch the same sized man being loaded into an ambulance or cut out of his house. Your idea of tolerance, leaves some room to be desired, as when I am at the gym sometimes I think the adonis or goddess is underdressed and should put something a bit more appropriate than a sportsbra or speedo on. The unfortunate part is that this morbidly obese trend will only continue in the Western hemisphere until it gets so bad, that they do not have the chance to lose the weight; they instead develop diabetes, heart problems and die in their twenties... much better...
    take care...

  7. I don't suppose that this will get read, or that anyone will care, but here's a bit of a testimony from the other side of the fence:

    I'm a 25 year old girl, 5' 1". I weigh in at 190lbs. Overweight, obese, or what have you, although not as "bad" as some others.

    I got this way because of my parents, who didn't know shit about how to feed a kid, or how to refuse a kid who asks for something bad for them. I didn't learn any better myself until I left home at 19, and even then it was hard to reverse the trend. I stopped gaining, but I was not able to lose anything.

    Nowadays I don't over-eat, I don't stuff my face with McDonald or other fast foods, I don't empty out chocolate or ice-cream packages, I eat as many veggies and fruit as my budget allows... and nothing. I'm not going up, I'm not going down.

    Alright, what about exercise?

    Well, it turns out that after so many years of being at my weight, my body got a few interesting conditions. Medically speaking, I'm now only allowed to bike, swim and use specific machines to exercise. My wrists and my ankles were victims of my weight, and at this point only surgery can help.

    Ok, not so bad... I went and signed up to a gym to give those few things I could do a try.

    And when I went, I got stares. I got people snickering at me. I got people rudely telling me to get off machines because they needed to do their sets and they saw me resting between mine and thought I was being lazy.

    I even went with a nice t-shirt and long pants on. No one could blame me for showing off my flabby bits in public, even though it made me much more uncomfortable than I would have been in the shorts and no-sleeved shirts that the thin ladies were wearing.

    I didn't go near the pool, despite the fact that my dr. urged me to. Me? In a bathing suit? With those stares?

    I kept it up a bit, tried a personal trainer too... and after 2 months, there was no change in my weight, and the feelings of discomfort only grew.

    I gave it up because, in the end, I was happier with knowing that I had a balanced diet, if not a super-fat-burning-healthy one, and a body that wasn't so overweight as to be a total embarrassment.

    But if it weren't for people who feel it's fine for them to stare and snicker, and who immediately accuse fat folk of things that may not be true, I'd still be there, chugging along. Maybe, eventually, I would have found a set of exercises that would have worked, or had a kind soul help me work out what I was doing wrong.

    To sum it up - The reason why the gym is full of beautiful people is because those who are overweight and are willing to do the work, like me, feel unwelcome. You wouldn't feel very welcome in our stead either, and no amount of conviction can get you to go to a place that makes you feel like shit often enough, for long enough, to get results.

    Think about that the next time you see someone overweight at the gym. At least they tried to overcome the knowledge that people like you are there, watching them and using their condition to make themselves feel superior.

    Is it really so hard for you to lend a helping hand, give advice, or even just try and think that maybe this person is struggling and could use a bit of respect from those for whom this is all easy?

    It would make you a better person, a more beautiful person than any low amount of body fat can. Food for thought.

  8. Interesting point, however gyms are only one of many places to exercise. I got ripped working out in my foyer with my dogs laying at my feet. Sounds like an excuse to me. Although I agree that anyone trying to better themselves should not be ridiculed.

  9. Hey, I consider myself to be a pretty tolerant person, and I'm definitely fitter than the average person.....But I just wanted to pop in to say that you sound like a GIGANTIC douchebag. No offense or anything. Some people have injuries and other health and mental illness issues that contribute greatly to their obesity. How they live and how they look is absolutely none of your business.

    It is very clear that you have a LOT of growing to do, so why don't you work on worrying about how to be a better person and stop worrying so much about how others look and live their lives.

  10. So all fat people MUST be fat because they shovel food into their faces? LOL. Ignorant twat. There are a host of medical conditions and medications that can make people fat; when your choice is "take this pill or suffer terrible pain/die", you'll take the fucking pill, even if it turns you into a fat cow. Get a clue. You may look pretty (or so you imply) but you sure as shit are a dumbfuck if you think that ALL fat people over-eat (again, so you implied). Put down the weights and exercise your mind for a moment. Maybe then you can help these people, knowing that some DID NOT make themselves fat, and then you won't be a waste of space. Ooo imagine that, helping others! :O


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