Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No Baby

It took an extra week but ME finally got her period. I was never really in doubt because we were very careful and always used condoms, but she is not on the pill so there isn't that extra safety net in case one gets by the condom.

Last fall my buddy Chuck had a baby and stayed home on "paternity leave", which is a crock of shit if you ask me, but nobody did. Anyway, after three days at home with a screaming poop machine Chuck lost his marbles. As a distraction he began looking at beach houses with the rationale that it would be a great place to spend the weekends with this kid. I figured the beach house concept would last about as long as paternity leave and told him that if he bought a house with a dock, I would buy the sailboat to go on it. Well, the beach house concept was not a fad, and two months later he closed on a cool house outside of Annapolis on the Bay with a dock. Being the consummate ball breaker that he is, Chuck held me to our "verbal agreement" and two weeks ago I bought a 30' Hunter sailboat. A few days later we sailed her from Baltimore to Chuck's house. More on the boat later.

On the dating front Bartender has basically been phased out, and things with ME are getting a little more serious. After a series of confusing events ME and I are going to Miami together next Friday for a long weekend. This story deserves its own post.


  1. Just like a man to shun responsibilities that aren't fun onto a woman.

    Paternity leave is not a crock of shit. I hope you and ME stay childless.

  2. I would feel sorry for a kid that got this failure at life as a father.


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