Monday, April 11, 2011

Going to Miami

Friday I leave for Miami with ME. The trip was originally organized so that we could meet up with ME's sister, who is visiting from Dubai, but the sister bailed at the last minute so now it's just the two of us heading to the beach for a few days. I'm hoping for a relaxing weekend of sand and frozen cocktails.

Last month ME told me that her sister was going to be in the States for work then was going to take three weeks off to visit friends here. The sister would be in San Francisco for a week, then was heading to Vegas for a few days, then Miami. At first we talked about going to San Fran to see her since neither of us have been there, but we could only go for 4 days, so it seemed like a lot of flying for that short of a trip. We dismissed Vegas because neither of us had a burning desire to go there, so Miami became the defacto rendezvous spot. We booked our flights two weeks ago and two days later the sister called ME and said she didn't want to go to Miami because she found out it's a 6-hour flight from California. ME was irate, and I can't say I blame her. I had heard a few stories about the sister, and this confirmed my initial suspicion that she's a flake.

I've been to Miami a few times and I have to say it's really not my favorite city in the world. Sure, the weather is great and the beaches are nice, but it can be really tacky. Every time I go to Miami for vacation I come home more stressed then when I left. It's fine for what it is, but it's just not my ideal vacation spot. I would have been much happier in Costa Rica, or Belize, or someplace more chill. I suppose the silver lining is that now it's just ME and I, and I don't have to deal with the high-maintenance sister.

With the sister out of the picture ME and I were free to stay where ever we wanted, so we booked one night at this cool private spa, and two nights at a small hotel right on South Beach.

After we booked our flights it occurred to me that I've never flown anywhere with a girlfriend before. I've taken trips with girls before, but they have all either been on the bike, by car, or the girl has met me someplace that I was at for work. I think my flights is about 2.5 hours, I wonder if that's enough time to join the Mile High Club?


  1. Just curious, you picking up the tab for the trip?

  2. Ohhhh, good question Anon.

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. Who do you think should pick up the tab?

  4. I don't think anyone 'should' pay. People have their preferences, and I was wondering what yours was. (I get the feeling you are paying)

  5. who cares? do us all a favor: jump off the plane and take that ME whore with you.

  6. So I gotta ask - You mentioned that she's got a kid. Have you met the little one yet? You seem to be decently more serious here, but you aren't really just dating ME in this situation.

  7. "Decently" more serious... Strange sentence, what does that mean?

    I haven't met the kid and haven't asked to. I think that is something she needs to suggest.

  8. You write about her in a noticeably different tone, like you see this one as long-term. It's a smart idea to wait for her suggestion, though.

  9. So no answer to the question? lol


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