Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tenant Tonight

After nearly four weeks of text messages, calls, making plans, breaking them, and rescheduling dates, I am trying once again to meet Tenant out for drinks tonight.

I was supposed to meet Tenant out for drinks last Thursday night at 7:30, but I was waiting for an appliance delivery at my house and the truck was two hours late. When the truck finally arrived at 6pm I knew I wasn't going to make it to the restaurant in time so I called Tenant and left her a VM. At 7pm I hadn't received any acknowlegement of my message so I called her back, I didn't want her sitting at the bar waiting for me, unaware that I had called her. Tenant picked up my second call and, sure enough, hadn't gotten my message. I explained why I had to cancel and she seemed caught off guard. She tried to schedule for later in the night, but I just wasn't going to be able to make it that night regardless of time. Tenant seemed disappointed but I think I was moreso than her. We left it off that we would shoot for another night.

On Saturday afternoon I sent Tenant the following text message: "Tomorrow is going to be nice motorcycle weather, want to go for ride?"

Tenant's response was: "Ahhh can't tomorrow and that's a little terryfying..."

I was kind of shooting the moon on the bike ride, it may have been premature. She doesn't know me at all so I can't blame her for not wanting to hop on the back of a bike with me. I backed off that idea and waited until Tuesday to ask her if she wanted to try for drinks again.

In the meantime I Googled Tenant and she graduated college in 2008. That makes me about ten years older than her and I suppose puts her right in my wheel house.

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