Thursday, July 21, 2011

Heat Index

People who use the term "heat index" should shampoo my scrotum. I'm so sick of hearing "Oh, it's 112 degrees today!". No it's not, it's 98. "Well, with the heat index it's 112". Bullshit, it's 98, and humid, just like it should be. It's the middle of July in DC, that's what the weather is like this time of year, it's called summer. It happens every year. Why are you talking to me about this? Shut the fuck up and give me my coffee. If it was snowing out today that would be something to talk about, a reason to keep my waiting for my morning caffeine. The people who talk about the heat in July are the same mental midgets that will be saying "With the wind today it feels like -10 degrees" in January. Do these morons have so little in their heads that the only thing they can bring up is the weather? Get the fuck out of my way.


  1. stop being a cranky little bitch.

  2. Srsly, it's how people bond in our society and world since we aren't living in tribes or communities like we were meant to.


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